
This is an old revision of the document!

Xymon's look and feel can be customized through add-ons. Below is a list of available Add-ons. If you have created an add-on which you want to share with the Xymon community, please create an account and add it below. Please always give info about Author, compatibility and the last update date.

:!: Users: If you have questions or feedback, please use the Add-ons sites or contact the authors directly or use the general Xymon mailing lists.

Addons Description Author Last Update
Xymonbody.css Enhances the alignment of colored icons on Xymon
A mininal style sheet pages
Bonomani 2025-01-25
dns fping Ping with reverse dns resolution
A Xymon “conn” test with reverse dns ptr info (usefull if you use cname)
Bonomani 2023-09-20
xymon redesigned Xymon redesigned
Xymon 4.3.30 with new design!!
Sabo86 2020-07-20
MAGMA XYmon Web GUI Admin
Manages your hosts, page groups and alarms all from a easy to use and integrated web GUI admin. No more text files to edit!!
Shannon Anderson 2012-10-31
247OnCall Call Rotation Manager and Caller
Manages your call rotation and intergrates with PBX to call the techs in the rotation during alarms
Shannon Anderson 2012-09-15
BBWin GUI BBWin GUI for Windows
Configure BBWin on Windows without the need to edit the XML file
Shannon Anderson 2012-04-03
Xymon Notes Editor Xymon Notes Editor
Edit the notes for your servers
Galen Johnson 2012-01-03
Xymon SMF Solaris 10 SMF (service manager)
Solaris 10 SMF manifest file for Xymon.
Galen Johnson 2007-04-10
Icons Steve's Icons
An alternate set of icons for Xymon.
Steve Aiello 2007-03-20
WML Patch WML Patch
Create simplified html output suitable for smartphones such as Blackberry instead of WML.
Jemimah Ruhala 2007-12-07
Control ssh tunnels from a Server Side Script
Padraig Lennon 2008-08-14
CG Theme Chris' Theme
An alternative theme
Chris Garrett 2008-11-20
LED Themes LED Themes
Classic and modern LED-style themes
Malcolm Hunter 2009-03-11 Xymon configuration file classes
Class definitions to read, modify and write Xymon configuration files.
Wim Nelis 2009-04-10
Xymon Status monitor for Android Xymon Monitor for Android
Android client which shows the current status, supports notifications and widgets.
Tobias Schulz-Hess, ToBe_HH 2009-06-25 Find Inactive RRD Tests
Find RRD databases, which have not been updated for some time.
Wim Nelis 2010-05-31
Thresholds Editor Edit Host Thresholds Web Page
CGI Scripts that allow you to edit host thresholds through a Web Page
David Peters 2009-07–01
Xymon::Server Xymon::Server
Base class for retrieveing Xymon Server config variables in an oo way. Best Installed using cpan.
David Peters 2010-08-25
Xymon::Server::History Xymon::Server::History
Return a hash of Xymon events history. Can Get all events or events between dates and times. Best Installed using cpan.
David Peters 2010-08-25
Xymon::Client Xymon::Client
Cheap and nasty OO interface to send status messages from a client to the Xymon server. Best Installed using cpan.
David Peters 2010-08-25 XymonMap
Reimplementation of deadcat's script
Bart Gillis 2012-01-20
redboard.cgi RedBoard
A quick page to display all RED alerts on the xymon server
Gudmundur Ingvarsson 2012-04-11
bb-csvinfo.cgi HobbitColumns
A quick page to display all hosts using a column on one page
Gudmundur Ingvarsson 2012-04-11 Unconfigured Clients
A script to make a Xymon page from the Ghost Client list
Ralph Mitchell 2012-04-14
Hotlink Connect Hotlink Connect
Supplement the footer to include JavaScript for auto-creating connect links, supporting click-to-connect for ssh: and telnet: style URLs
Jeremy Laidman 2015-09-29
Dynamic Hostname Notes Dynamic Hostname Notes
Dynamic template for “notes” files for hostnames
Jeremy Laidman 2015-09-29
Xymondash Xymondash
Modern javascript-based web dashboard for large Xymon installations
Christian Herzog 2018-07-05 Remove spikes from an RRD
Remove the spikes from an RRD, taking the various consolidation functions into account.
Wim Nelis 2020-01-28

  • addons.1737785439.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2025/01/25 06:10
  • by bonomani