

Author Wim Nelis
Compatibility Xymon 4.2
Requirements Perl
Download None
Last Update 2023-07-06

Perl script is yet another script to remove spikes from an Round Robin Database (RRD). Hence it's name: remrrds is short for REMove_Round_Robin_Database_Spikes. (Some people may recognize the naming convention of NOS/VE.)

A unique feature of this script is, as far as I know, that if a spike is located, that measurement is removed completely, that is replaced by value 'NaN'. Not only all the data sets at the spike will be cleared, but also the same row in other consolidation functions.

Additionally, it allows one to specify which data sets are to be checked. Note that if a spike is found for a measurement, also the non-checked data sets in that measurement will be set to 'NaN'.

The script also supports removing all measurements before a given time stamp. This feature is included, as extending an RRD with another level of aggregation, that is another RRA, while a consolidation function other than AVERAGE is in use, will result in one dummy measurement in the newly created RRA.

If an RRD is modified, the original RRD is still available. However, it's name has an additional extension '.old'.

The installation is very site specific. Copy the script to a convenient location. It might be necessary to adjust the names of the temporary files which are defined at the beginning of the script. Those files will hold an XML representation of the RRD.

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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# remrrds, REMove_Round_Robin_Database_Spikes:
#  This script removes spikes in an RRD. The lower bound and/or the upper bound
#  for the legal values, that is the values to retain, can be specified. If any
#  number in a row exceeds the boundaries, all values in that row will be set to
#  'NaN'. The same row for any other consolidation function will be cleared too.
# This script is based on script, which removes all values which
# are outside the range of common values, which cover 0.99 of all values.
# An essential extension on the original script is that in the analysis phase
# also the consolidation functions are considered. A lower bound is applied to
# the RRA using consolidation function MIN, and any row to be deleted is also
# deleted in the RRA's with another consolidation function. The same goes for
# the upper bound and the RRA using consolidation function MAX.
# Another extension is the possibility to define one or more names of data sets.
# Only those data sets will be checked, the others will be skipped. By default
# all data sets will be checked.
# [-dhv] [-l <X>] [-u <X>] [-s <N>] [-b <T>] <RrdName>
# Written by W.J.M. Nelis,, 2019.12
# To do:
# - Check size of newly created RRD, and restore old one if the new one is
#   shorter.
use strict ;
use Getopt::Std ;

# Command line parameters.
my %opt= () ;				# All command line parameters
my $DEBUG  = undef ;			# Flag: debug mode
my $VERBOSE= undef ;			# Flag: verbose mode
my $LOWTIM = undef ;			# Time before which all rows are deleted
my $LOWBND = undef ;			# Lower bound of correct values
my $UPPBND = undef ;			# Upper bound of correct values
my @DATASET=    () ;			# Data sets to check
my $RRDFIL = undef ;			# Name of RRD file

# Define the names of the temporary files containing the XML version of the RRD.
my $XMLOLD= "/tmp/rrd.dump.old" ;	# Name of XML dump of original RRD
my $XMLNEW= "/tmp/" ;	# Name of modified XML dump

# In case multiple consolidation functions are used in the RRD, define the
# preferred list of consolidated data to look for out-of-bounds values. Note
# that it is not trivial to determine the preference of consolidation function
# LAST, as it's average value is AVERAGE but it's fluctuations will be larger.
my @pcfLOW= ( 'MIN', 'AVERAGE', 'LAST', 'MAX' ) ;
my @pcfUPP= ( 'MAX', 'AVERAGE', 'LAST', 'MIN' ) ;

# Global variables.
my $RrdMod= 0 ;				# Flag: RRD is modified
my @xml= () ;				# Save area XML file
my @ds = () ;				# List of data sets used in RRD
my %ds = () ;				# List of data sets to check
my %cf = () ;				# Consolidation functions used in RRD
my $lbcf= undef ;			# CF to use for lower bound, if specified
my $ubcf= undef ;			# CF to use for upper bound, if specified

# Function AnalyseRrd takes the XML dump of an RRD and determines the data sets
# (DS's) in use and the consolidation functions (CF's) in use.
sub AnalyseRrd() {
 # Determine the list of data sets as well as the consolidation functions in use
 # in this RRD.
  @ds= map { $1       if m/<name> (.+) <\/name>/ } grep /<name>/, @xml ;
  %cf= map { $1 => 0  if m/<cf>([A-Z]+)<\/cf>/   } grep /<cf>/  , @xml ;

 # Build a list of indices of the data sets to check. If the data sets to check
 # are not specified, using parameter -s, all data sets will be checked.
  @DATASET= @ds			unless @DATASET ;
  my $ds= '|' . join('|',@DATASET) . '|' ;
  for ( my $i= 0 ; $i < @ds ; $i++ ) {
    next			unless index($ds,$ds[$i]) > 0 ;
    $ds{$i}= $ds[$i] ;
  }  # of for

 # Determine the CF to use when checking the lower bound (if specified) and the
 # upper bound (if specified).
  $lbcf= ( map { exists $cf{$_} ? $_ : () } @pcfLOW )[0] ;
  $ubcf= ( map { exists $cf{$_} ? $_ : () } @pcfUPP )[0] ;
}  # of AnalyseRrd

# Function CrackParameters extracts all parameters from the command line. The
# function returns a true value upon successful completion.
sub CrackParameters() {
  return 0			unless getopts( "dhvb:l:s:u:", \%opt ) ;

 # Check for the flags in the command line.
  ShowHelp(), exit		if $opt{h} || ($#ARGV < 0) ;
  if ( $opt{d} ) {
    $DEBUG  = 1 ;
    $VERBOSE= 1 ;
    print "Enabling DEBUG mode\n" ;
  }  # of if
  if ( $opt{v} ) {
    $VERBOSE= 1 ;
    print "Running in VERBOSE mode\n" ;
  }  # of if

 # Check for the parameters with an associated value in the command line.
  if ( $opt{b} ) {
    $LOWTIM= $opt{b} ;
    print " Time boundary set to $LOWTIM\n"	if $VERBOSE ;
  }  # of if
  if ( $opt{l} ) {
    $LOWBND= $opt{l} ;
    print " Lower bound set to $LOWBND\n"	if $VERBOSE ;
  }  # of if
  if ( $opt{s} ) {
    @DATASET= split( /,/, $opt{s} ) ;
    for ( my $i= $#DATASET ; $i >= 0 ; $i-- ) {
      splice( @DATASET, $i ), next	if $DATASET[$i]=~ m/^\s*$/ ;
      $DATASET[$i]=~ s/\s//g ;			# Remove blank spaces
    }  # of for
    if ( scalar(@DATASET) == 1 ) {
      print " Data set to check is $DATASET[0]\n"	if $VERBOSE ;
    } else {
      print " Data sets to check are (" . join( ',', @DATASET) . ")\n"	if $VERBOSE ;
    }  # of else
  }  # of if
  if ( $opt{u} ) {
    $UPPBND= $opt{u} ;
    print " Upper bound set to $UPPBND\n"	if $VERBOSE ;
  }  # of if

 # One parameter should be left, the name of the file containing the RRD.
  if ( $#ARGV == 0 ) {
    if ( substr($ARGV[0],-4) eq '.rrd' ) {
      if ( -f $ARGV[0] ) {
	$RRDFIL= $ARGV[0] ;		# Save name of file
	print " Source is $RRDFIL\n"	if $VERBOSE ;
      }  # of if
    }  # of if
  }  # of if

 # Check for parameter consistency. At least one boundary needs to be defined.
 # The name of the RRD must be defined.
  return 0			unless defined $LOWBND or defined $UPPBND or defined $LOWTIM ;
  return 0			unless defined $RRDFIL ;
  die "Can't find file $RRDFIL\n"	unless -f $RRDFIL ;
  return 1				# All is well
}  # of CrackParameters

# Function DumpRrd dumps the content of an RRD into an XML file. As this XML
# file will be read multiple times, it reads the file and stores the lines in
# array @xml.
sub DumpRrd() {
  print " Dumping $RRDFIL to an XML file...\n"	if $VERBOSE ;
  system( "rrdtool dump $RRDFIL > $XMLOLD" ) == 0  or  die "rrdtool dump failed: $?\n" ;

  open ( FH, '<', $XMLOLD )	or die "Can't read $XMLOLD: $!\n" ;
  chomp( @xml= <FH> ) ;			# Read entire file
  close( FH ) ;
}  # of DumpRrd

# Function InstallNewRrd takes the new version of the XML dump and creates an
# updated version of the RRD. The original one is renamed with extension '.old'.
sub InstallNewRrd() {
  my $RRDFILOLD= "$RRDFIL.old" ;	# Name of file containing original RRD

  print " Installing new version of RRD...\n"	if $VERBOSE ;
  rename( $RRDFIL, $RRDFILOLD ) ;	# Rename original RRD file
  system( "rrdtool restore $XMLNEW $RRDFIL" ) == 0  or die "rrdtool restore failed: $?\n" ;

  my($mode,$uid,$gid)= (stat($RRDFILOLD))[2,4,5]	or die "Cannot stat $RRDFILOLD: $!\n" ;
  chmod $mode, $RRDFIL ;
  chown $uid, $gid, $RRDFIL ;
}  # of InstallNewRrd

# Function SaveXml writes the in-memory copy of the XML file to disk.
sub SaveXml() {
  open ( FH, '>', $XMLNEW )	or die "Can't write $XMLNEW: $!\n" ;
  print  FH "$_\n"		foreach ( @xml ) ;
  close( FH ) ;
}  # of SaveXml

# Function ShowHelp shows a short help screen on standard output.
sub ShowHelp() {
  print "RemRRDS: Remove spikes from an RRD.\n\n" ;
  print "Usage:\n" ;
  print "$0 [-dhv] [-l number] [-u number] [-b timestamp] [-s name[,name]] filename\n\n" ;
  print "Where:\n" ;
  print "  -b remove all lines before unix timestamp\n" ;
  print "  -d enable debug messages\n" ;
  print "  -h print this message\n" ;
  print "  -l set the lower bound\n" ;
  print "  -s define data sets to be checked" ;
  print "  -u set the upper bound\n" ;
  print "  -v Verbose mode, show progress messages\n" ;
  print "  filename is the name of the rrd file\n" ;
}  # of ShowHelp

# Function StripSpikesOnePass scans the XML version of the RRD, and removes any
# spikes it finds. The result is saved in the in-memory copy of the XML file.
# The result of this function is true if the XML file is modified, and false
# otherwise. This function is used whenever there is only one consolidation
# function in use, thus if an out-of-bound value is found, the only line to be
# cleared is the one being processed.
sub StripSpikesOnePass() {
  my $result= 0 ;			# Function result, default to no change
  my $modif ;				# Flag: line image is modified
  my $modcnt= 0 ;			# Number of rows modified
  my $tsom ;				# Time stamp of measurement
  my $i ;				# Index of data set in row

  print " Removing spikes in one pass...\n"	if $VERBOSE ;

  foreach ( @xml ) {
    $modif=  0 ;			# Clear flag

    if ( m/<v>-?\d\.\d{9}e[+-]\d+<\/v>/ ) {	# Check for a value in line image
      if ( defined $LOWTIM ) {
	$tsom= $1		if m/\/\s+(\d+)\s+\-\->\s+<row>/ ;
	$modif= 1		if $tsom < $LOWTIM ;
      }  # of if

      unless ( $modif ) {
	$i= -1 ;				# Preset data set index
	foreach my $val ( m/(?<=>)(?:NaN|-?\d\.\d{9}e[+-]\d+)\b/g ) {
  # See if this value (data set) needs to be checked.
	  $i++ ;
	  next			if $val eq 'NaN' ;
	  next			unless exists $ds{$i} ;

	  if ( defined $LOWBND ) {
	    $modif= 1		if $val < $LOWBND ;
	  }  # of if
	  if ( defined $UPPBND ) {
	    $modif= 1		if $val > $UPPBND ;
	  }  # of if
	last			if $modif ;	# Small optimization
	}  # of foreach
      }  # of unless

      if ( $modif ) {
	s/>-?\d\.\d{9}e[+-]\d+</>NaN</g ;	# Wipe out measurement(s)
	$modcnt++ ;				# Update modification count
	$result= 1 ;				# Function result
	if ( $DEBUG ) {
	  $tsom= $1		if m/<!\-\-\s+(.+?)\s+\// ;
	  print "  Removing measurement of $tsom\n" ;
	}  # of if
      }  # of if
    }  # of if
  }  # of while

  return $result ;
}  # of StripSpikesOnePass

# Function StripSpikesTwoPasses scans the XML version of the RRD, and removes
# any spikes it finds. The result is saved in the in-memory copy of the XML
# file. The result of this function is true if the XML file is modified, and
# false otherwise. This function is called if the RRD uses two or more
# consolidation functions. In the first pass the list of measurements to strip
# is determined using the preferred CF only. In the next pass, these
# measurements, identified by the number of primary data points per row and the
# time stamp, are cleared in each CF.
sub StripSpikesTwoPasses() {
  my $pdppr= undef ;			# Primary data points per row in RRA
  my $cf   = undef ;			# Consolidation function in RRA
  my $inrra= 0 ;			# Flag: current line inside RRA def
  my $skrra= 0 ;			# Flag: skip current RRA
  my $indb = 0 ;			# Flag: current line in database

  my $result= 0 ;			# Function result, default to no change
  my $modif ;				# Flag: line image is modified
  my $modcnt= 0 ;			# Number of rows modified
  my $tsom ;				# Time stamp of measurement
  my $i ;				# Index of data set in row

  print " Removing spikes in two passes...\n"	if $VERBOSE ;

 # Prepare a hash to store the identification of the measurements to be
 # stripped. Such a measurement is identified by two numbers, the number of
 # primary data points per row and the time stamp of the measurement.
  my %sl= map { $1 => {}  if m/row>(\d+)<\/pdp/ } grep /<pdp_per_row>/, @xml ;

 # Phase A: Scan the appropate RRA's for out-of bound values. If one is found,
 # the pair (pdp_per_row,timestamp) is saved in hash %sl.
  foreach ( @xml ) {
    $modif= 0 ;				# Clear flag
    unless ( $inrra ) {			# If not in an RRA definition,
      if ( m/^\s+<rra>$/ ) {		#   check for the start of it
	$inrra= 1 ;			# Set flag
	$skrra= 0 ;			# Reset skip flag
	$indb = 0 ;			# Reset in-database flag
	next ;				# Line done
      }  # of if
    }  # of unless
    next			unless $inrra ;
    $inrra= 0, next		if m/^\s+<\/rra>/ ;
    next			if $skrra ;	# Done with line if skip flag set

    unless ( $indb ) {
      if ( m/^\s+<cf>([A-Z]+)<\/cf>$/ ) {
	$cf= $1 ;			# Save consolidation function name
	$skrra= 1 ;			# Assume this RRA does not need to examined
	$skrra= 0		if defined $LOWBND  and  $cf eq $lbcf ;
	$skrra= 0		if defined $UPPBND  and  $cf eq $ubcf ;
	next ;				# Line done
      }  # of if
      $pdppr= $1, next		if m/^\s+<pdp_per_row>(\d+)<\/pdp_per_row>/ ;
      $indb = 1, next		if m/^\s+<database>$/ ;
    }  # of unless
    next			unless $indb ;
    $indb= 0, next		if m/^\s+<\/database>$/ ;

    if ( defined $LOWTIM ) {
      $tsom= $1			if m/\/\s+(\d+)\s+\-\->\s+<row>/ ;
      if ( $tsom < $LOWTIM ){
	$modif= 1		if m/\.\d{9}e[+-]\d\d/ ;
      }  # of if
    }  # of if

    unless ( $modif ) {
      $i= -1 ;					# Preset data set index
      foreach my $val ( m/(?<=>)(?:NaN|-?\d\.\d{9}e[+-]\d+)\b/g ) {
  # See if this value (data set) needs to be checked.
	$i++ ;
	next			if $val eq 'NaN' ;
	next			unless exists $ds{$i} ;

	if ( defined $LOWBND ) {
	  $modif= 1		if $val < $LOWBND ;
	}  # of if
	if ( defined $UPPBND ) {
	  $modif= 1		if $val > $UPPBND ;
	}  # of if
	last			if $modif ;	# Small optimization
      }  # of foreach
    }  # of unless

    if ( $modif ) {
      $tsom= $1			if m/\/\s+(\d+)\s+\-\->\s+<row>/ ;
      $sl{$pdppr}{$tsom}= 0 ;		# Clear these measurements
      if ( $DEBUG ) {
	$tsom= $1		if m/<!\-\-\s+(.+?)\s+\// ;
	print "  Marking measurement of $pdppr : $tsom\n" ;
      }  # of if
    }  # of if
  }  # of foreach

 # Phase B: Scan the XML file again, and if in a database the time stamp of a
 # row is marked in hash %sl, the row is cleared.
# $result= 0 ;				# Preset function result
  foreach ( @xml ) {
    $pdppr= $1, next		if m/^\s+<pdp_per_row>(\d+)<\/pdp_per_row>/ ;
    next			unless m/<row>/ ;
    $tsom= $1			if m/\/\s+(\d+)\s+\-\->\s+<row>/ ;
    next			unless exists $sl{$pdppr}{$tsom} ;

    s/>-?\d\.\d{9}e[+-]\d+</>NaN</g ;	# Wipe out measurement(s)
    $result= 1 ;			# Update function result
    if ( $DEBUG ) {
      $tsom= $1			if m/<!\-\-\s+(.+?)\s+\// ;
      print "  Removing measurement of $pdppr : $tsom\n" ;
    }  # of if
  }  # of foreach

  return $result ;
}  # of StripSpikesTwoPasses

# =============
unless ( CrackParameters ) {		# Interpret the command line parameters
  ShowHelp ;				# Show help information
  exit 0 ;				# Stop this script
}  # of unless

DumpRrd ;				# Dump the RRD to a temporary XML file
AnalyseRrd ;				# Determine consolidation functions in use
if      ( defined $LOWTIM and not defined $LOWBND and not defined $UPPBND ) {
  $RrdMod= 1	if StripSpikesOnePass ;		# Strip spikes
} elsif ( keys %cf == 1 ) {
  $RrdMod= 1	if StripSpikesOnePass ;		# Strip spikes
} else {
  $RrdMod= 1	if StripSpikesTwoPasses ;	# Strip spikes
}  # of else
if ( $RrdMod ) {
  SaveXml ; 				# Write new XML file
  InstallNewRrd ;			# Create new version of RRD file
}  # of if

  unlink $XMLOLD ;			# Remove intermediate files
  unlink $XMLNEW ;
# if $RRDFILOLD exists, but RRDFIL does not (or is shorter), remove $RRDFIL and
# rename $RRDFILOLD to $RRDFIL.

There are no known bugs. This script has been tested and used on Raspberry Pi (RPi) computers. Even on a RPi 0W with a slow SD card, an RRD with 3 data sets, 3 consolidation functions and in total 15 RRA's containing 576 points each, the removal of a spike takes less than 6 seconds.

On the to do list is a check on the newly created RRD: it should have the same size as the original RRD.

  • 2020-01-28
    • Initial release
  • 2023-07-06
    • Negative numbers are not recognized. Use a 'positive lookbehind assertion' in stead of a word boundary to find the beginning of a (negative) number.
  • addons/remrrds.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/07/06 18:54
  • by wnelis