
CG Theme

Author Chris Garrett
Compatibility Xymon 4.2
Requirements unix
Download cg_theme.tar.gz
Last Update 2008-11-20

The tarball attached to this page contains the files necessary to make your hobbit installation look something like this:


The files in this tarball were created for our solaris installation of hobbit. I have not tested them on any other systems, so use them at your own risk!

The tarball contains various files. Here is a summary of what they are for and why they are included:

Filenames Purpose
./etc/hobbitserver.cfg Sets various variables. The following have been changed for the purpose of this theme: MKBBACKFONT, MKBBCOLFONT, MKBBROWFONT, MKBBTITLE
./web/*_footer Footers for the various web pages
./web/*_header Headers for the various web pages
./www/gifs/*.gif The icons
./www/style.css The stylesheet
./www/menu/menu.css The stylesheet for the menus
./www/menu/menu_items.js Menu Items. You may not need to change this
./www/menu/menu_tpl.js Menu positioning
  1. Backup your hobbit server installation.
  2. Stop hobbit services
  3. Unpack the tarball. You should now have three directories full of files: etc, web, and www.
  4. Copy them into the relevent locations in your hobbit server installation, overwriting existing files
  5. Start hobbit services
  6. Enjoy the new look!

Please report any known bugs or issues to me

Nothing planned yet.

Chris Garrett

  • 2008-11-20
    • Initial release
  • addons/cg_theme.txt
  • Last modified: 2009/02/01 03:09
  • by