
This is an old revision of the document!

Xymon's look and feel can be customized through add-ons. Below is a list of available Add-ons. If you have created an add-on which you want to share with the Xymon community, please create an account and add it below. Please always give info about Author, compatibility and the last update date.

:!: Users: If you have questions or feedback, please use the Add-ons sites or contact the authors directly or use the general Xymon mailing lists.

Addons Description Author Last Update
MAGMA XYmon Web GUI Admin
Manages your hosts, page groups and alarms all from a easy to use and integrated web GUI admin. No more text files to edit!!
Shannon Anderson 2012-10-31
247OnCall Call Rotation Manager and Caller
Manages your call rotation and intergrates with PBX to call the techs in the rotation during alarms
Shannon Anderson 2012-09-15
BBWin GUI BBWin GUI for Windows
Configure BBWin on Windows without the need to edit the XML file
Shannon Anderson 2012-04-03
Xymon Notes Editor Xymon Notes Editor
Edit the notes for your servers
Galen Johnson 2012-01-03
Xymon SMF Solaris 10 SMF (service manager)
Solaris 10 SMF manifest file for Xymon.
Galen Johnson 2007-04-10
Icons Steve's Icons
An alternate set of icons for Xymon.
Steve Aiello 2007-03-20
WML Patch WML Patch
Create simplified html output suitable for smartphones such as Blackberry instead of WML.
Jemimah Ruhala 2007-12-07
Control ssh tunnels from a Server Side Script
Padraig Lennon 2008-08-14
CG Theme Chris' Theme
An alternative theme
Chris Garrett 2008-11-20
LED Themes LED Themes
Classic and modern LED-style themes
Malcolm Hunter 2009-03-11 Xymon configuration file classes
Class definitions to read, modify and write Xymon configuration files.
Wim Nelis 2009-04-10
Xymon Status monitor for Android Xymon Monitor for Android
Android client which shows the current status, supports notifications and widgets.
Tobias Schulz-Hess, ToBe_HH 2009-06-25 Find Inactive RRD Tests
Find RRD databases, which have not been updated for some time.
Wim Nelis 2010-05-31
Thresholds Editor Edit Host Thresholds Web Page
CGI Scripts that allow you to edit host thresholds through a Web Page
David Peters 2009-07–01
Xymon::Server Xymon::Server
Base class for retrieveing Xymon Server config variables in an oo way. Best Installed using cpan.
David Peters 2010-08-25
Xymon::Server::History Xymon::Server::History
Return a hash of Xymon events history. Can Get all events or events between dates and times. Best Installed using cpan.
David Peters 2010-08-25
Xymon::Client Xymon::Client
Cheap and nasty OO interface to send status messages from a client to the Xymon server. Best Installed using cpan.
David Peters 2010-08-25 XymonMap
Reimplementation of deadcat's script
Bart Gillis 2012-01-20
redboard.cgi RedBoard
A quick page to display all RED alerts on the xymon server
Gudmundur Ingvarsson 2012-04-11
bb-csvinfo.cgi HobbitColumns
A quick page to display all hosts using a column on one page
Gudmundur Ingvarsson 2012-04-11 Unconfigured Clients
A script to make a Xymon page from the Ghost Client list
Ralph Mitchell 2012-04-14
  • addons.1351714358.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/09/29 03:35
  • (external edit)