Author | Damien Martins |
Compatibility | Xymon 4.3 |
Requirements | Python, Freebox ECC Root CA + Freebox ECC Intermediate CA |
Download | Part of https://github.com/doktoil-makresh/xymon-plugins.git |
Last Update | 2020-05-16 |
This script monitors Freebox Delta v7, Revolution v6 & Server Mini 4k using the Freebox OS API (see https://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/)
Client side
Python3 Get the Freebox ECC Root CA + Freebox ECC Intermediate CA (available with the script, but should be deprecated one day) Register this app as per this procedure https://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/login/#
Server side
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#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 import os import datetime import json import hmac import hashlib import requests #Set your variables here api_version = 'v6' #Currently v4 & v6 are supported token = '1234567890AZERTYUIOP' # Paste app token, to generate, see https://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/login/# mafreebox_fullchain = os.environ['XYMONCLIENTHOME']+'/etc/'+'mafreebox_fullchain.pem' #This file must contain full certification chain for mafreebox.freebox.fr SSL certificate (Freebox ECC Root CA + Freebox ECC Intermediate CA) app_id='fr.freebox.monitoring' #Choose a name app_name = 'Monitoring' #This is the name that will appear in Freebox server applications access menu and on display as well app_version = '1' #Self explanatory device_name = 'xymonclient' #This is the hostname of the device, displayed in Freebox server applications access menu uptime_min = 300 #Decide the uptime minimum value in seconds fan_rpm_min = 1800 #Decice the fan minimum rotation per minutes temp_cpum_max = 65 #CPU B maximum temperature temp_cpub_max = 55 #CPU M maximum temperature temp_switch_max = 50 #Switch maximum temperature disk_expected_status = 'active' # valid values are active or disk_expected_name = 'My Freebox HDD'#Set the name of your disk attached to Freebox Server bandwidth_down_min = 1000000000 #Expected download available (in bit per second) bandwidth_up_min = 600000000 #Expected download available (in bit per second) expected_box_authenticated = True #Expected box authenticated status #Do not change from here (or at your risks) fbx_url = "https://mafreebox.freebox.fr/api/"+api_version+"/" def connection_post(method,data=None,headers={}): url = fbx_url + method if data: data = json.dumps(data) return json.loads(requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, verify=mafreebox_fullchain).text) def connection_get(method, headers={}): url = fbx_url + method return json.loads(requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=mafreebox_fullchain).text) def connection_put(method,data=None,headers={}): url = fbx_url + method if data: data = json.dumps(data) return json.loads(requests.put(url, data=data, headers=headers, verify=mafreebox_fullchain).text) def mksession(): challenge = str(connection_get("login/")["result"]["challenge"]) token_bytes = bytes(token , 'latin-1') challenge_bytes = bytes(challenge, 'latin-1') password = hmac.new(token_bytes,challenge_bytes,hashlib.sha1).hexdigest() data={ "app_id": app_id, "app_version": app_version, "password": password } content = connection_post("login/session/",data) return content["result"]["session_token"] def closesession(session_token): connection_post('login/logout/', headers={"X-Fbx-App-Auth": session_token}) def get_system_status(session_token): method = 'system/' content = connection_get(method, headers={"X-Fbx-App-Auth": session_token}) #API V4 #{'mac': '8C:97:EA:02:XX:XX', 'box_flavor': 'light', 'fan_rpm': 1809, 'temp_cpub': 47, 'temp_cpum': 54, 'disk_status': 'active', 'board_name': 'fbxgw2r', 'temp_sw': 45, 'uptime': '5 heures 32 minutes 41 secondes', 'uptime_val': 19961, 'user_main_storage': 'My Freebox HDD', 'box_authenticated': True, 'serial': '462801A195014369', 'firmware_version': '4.0.7'} #API V6 #{'mac': '8C:97:EA:02:XX:XX', 'model_info': {'pretty_name': 'Freebox Server Mini (r2)', 'has_ext_telephony': True, 'name': 'fbxgw-r2/mini', 'has_speakers_jack': True, 'customer_hdd_slots': 0, 'internal_hdd_size': 0, 'wifi_type': '2d4_5g'}, 'fans': [{'id': 'fan0_speed', 'name': 'Ventilateur 1', 'value': 1809}], 'sensors': [{'id': 'temp_sw', 'name': 'Température Switch', 'value': 44}, {'id': 'temp_cpum', 'name': 'Température CPU M', 'value': 53}, {'id': 'temp_cpub', 'name': 'Température CPU B', 'value': 46}], 'board_name': 'fbxgw2r', 'disk_status': 'active', 'uptime': '17 jours 3 heures 51 minutes 58 secondes', 'uptime_val': 1482718, 'user_main_storage': 'SSD-Fbx', 'box_authenticated': True, 'serial': '462801A195014369', 'firmware_version': '4.0.7'} return(content['result']) def get_connection_status(session_token): method = 'connection/' content = connection_get(method, headers={"X-Fbx-App-Auth": session_token}) #No difference between API v4 & v6 #{'type': 'rfc2684', 'rate_down': 6830, 'bytes_up': 3167352, 6'ipv4_port_range': [0, 65535], 'rate_up': 3410, 'bandwidth_up': 825050, 'ipv6': '2a01::1', 'bandwidth_down': 3830000, 'media': 'xdsl', 'state': 'up', 'bytes_down': 14932915, 'ipv4': ''} return(content['result']) def get_ftth_status(session_token): method = 'connection/ftth/' content = connection_get(method, headers={"X-Fbx-App-Auth": session_token}) #No difference between API v4 & v6 #{'sfp_has_power_report': False, 'has_sfp': True, 'sfp_model': 'F-MDCONU3A', 'sfp_vendor': 'FREEBOX', 'sfp_has_signal': True, 'link': True, 'sfp_alim_ok': True, 'sfp_serial': '868802J200909591', 'sfp_present': True} return(content['result']) def get_xdsl_status(session_token): method = 'connection/xdsl/' content = connection_get(method, headers={"X-Fbx-App-Auth": session_token}) #Example to be generated session_token = mksession() #Not really useful, and considered as unstable as per https://dev.freebox.fr/sdk/os/connection/# #xdsl_status = get_xdsl_status(session_token) #ftth_status = get_ftth_status(session_token) connection_status = get_connection_status(session_token) system_status = get_system_status(session_token) closesession(session_token) uptime = system_status['uptime_val'] disk_status = system_status['disk_status'] disk_name = system_status['user_main_storage'] if api_version == 'v4': fan_rpm = system_status['fan_rpm'] temp_cpum = system_status['temp_cpum'] temp_cpub = system_status['temp_cpub'] temp_switch = system_status['temp_sw'] elif api_version == 'v6': #Tested on Server Mini 4k only fan_rpm = system_status['fans'][0]['value'] for sensor in system_status['sensors']: if sensor['id'] == 'temp_sw': temp_switch = sensor['value'] elif sensor['id'] == 'temp_cpub': temp_cpub = sensor['value'] elif sensor['id'] == 'temp_cpum': temp_cpum = sensor['value'] bandwidth_down = connection_status['bandwidth_down'] bandwidth_up = connection_status['bandwidth_up'] download = connection_status['rate_down'] upload = connection_status['rate_up'] box_authenticated = system_status['box_authenticated'] _test = "fbx_infos" red = 0 yellow = 0 now=datetime.datetime.now() _date=now.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z") def test_metric(value1,value2): if not value1 == value2: global yellow yellow = 1 return('yellow') else: return('green') def test_max_threshold(value,threshold): if value > threshold: global yellow yellow = 1 return('yellow') else: return('green') def test_min_threshold(value,threshold): if value < threshold: global yellow yellow = 1 return('yellow') else: return('green') uptime_color = test_min_threshold(uptime,uptime_min) fan_status_color = test_min_threshold(fan_rpm,fan_rpm_min) temp_cpum_color = test_max_threshold(temp_cpum,temp_cpum) temp_cpub_color = test_max_threshold(temp_cpub,temp_cpub_max) temp_switch_color = test_max_threshold(temp_switch,temp_switch_max) disk_status_color = test_metric(disk_status,disk_expected_status) disk_name_color = test_metric(disk_name,disk_expected_name) bandwidth_down_color = test_min_threshold(bandwidth_down,bandwidth_down_min) bandwidth_up_color = test_min_threshold(bandwidth_up,bandwidth_up_min) box_authenticated_color = test_metric(box_authenticated,expected_box_authenticated) if red == 1: _status = "red" elif yellow == 1: _status = "yellow" else: _status = "green" _msg_line="&%sUptime: %s\n&%sDownload_bandwidth: %s\n&%sUpload_bandwidth: %s\nDownload_rate: %s\nUpload_rate: %s\n&%sFan_RPM: %s\n&%sCPU_temperature: %s\n&%sMotherboard_temperature: %s\n&%sSwitch_temperature: %s\n&%sDisk status: %s\n&%sDisk name: %s\n&%sBox authenticated: %s\n\n" % (uptime_color, str(uptime), bandwidth_down_color, str(bandwidth_down), bandwidth_up_color, str(bandwidth_up), str(download), str(upload), fan_status_color, str(fan_rpm), temp_cpum_color, str(temp_cpum), temp_cpub_color, str(temp_cpub), temp_switch_color, str(temp_switch), disk_status_color, disk_status, disk_name_color, disk_name, box_authenticated_color, box_authenticated) #Lancement commande _cmd_line="%s %s \"status %s.%s %s %s\n\n%s\"" %(os.environ['XYMON'], os.environ['XYMSRV'], os.environ['MACHINE'], _test, _status, _date, _msg_line) os.system(_cmd_line)
Known Bugs and Issues
To Do
No idea so far, but let me know ;)
- **2020-05-16*
- Initial release