#!/usr/bin/python -u
# Created by Andrew Rankin (andrew [at] eiknet.com).
# Monitors current virtual machines on a Dom0 using libvirt and relays its findings to hobbit.
# Parts of this script were borrowed from libvirt example python scripts.
import libvirt
import sys
import os
import time
import socket
# Test to see if we are running xen.
if not os.access("/proc/xen", os.R_OK):
bbhome = '/home/hobbit/client'
bbtest = 'vt'
domain = ',domain,com'
hobbit_server = 'server.domain.com'
test_explanation = 'Virtual Machine Status'
status = {}
color = {}
hobbittime = time.strftime("%a %b %e %T %Z %Y", time.localtime())
domains = []
DATA = {}
status_info = {}
# Connect to hypervisor
conn = libvirt.openReadOnly(None)
if conn == None:
print 'Failed to open connection to the hypervisor'
# Get a list of Domains
domains = conn.listDomainsID()
print 'Failed to list domains'
# Get Physical systems specs
(model, memory, cores, mhz, nodes, sockets, cpus, threads) = conn.getInfo()
print 'Failed to extract the current node information'
DATA[socket.gethostname()] = "Host Server Specs\nMB Memory: %s\nNum CPUs: %s\nNum Cores: %s\nCPU MHz: %s\n\n" \
%( memory, cpus, cores, mhz )
for dom in domains:
info = conn.lookupByID(dom).info()
hostname = conn.lookupByID(dom).name()
dom_hostname = socket.gethostname()
percentmem = float()
state = str()
if hostname == "Domain-0":
hostname = dom_hostname
# Warn on states
if info[0] == 1:
status[hostname] = bbtest + " OK"
color[hostname] = "green"
state = "Running"
elif info[0] == 2:
status[hostname] = bbtest + " OK"
color[hostname] = "green"
state = "Blocked"
elif info[0] == 3:
status[hostname] = bbtest + " Domain Paused"
color[hostname] = "yellow"
state = "Paused"
elif info[0] == 4:
status[hostname] = bbtest + " Domain Crashed"
color[hostname] = "red"
state = "Crashed"
elif info[0] == 5:
status[hostname] = bbtest + " Domain Dying"
color[hostname] = "red"
state = "Dying"
elif info[0] == 6:
status[hostname] = bbtest + " Domain Shutdown"
color[hostname] = "red"
state = "Shutdown"
# more obvious explanation of colors
if color[hostname] != "green":
status_info[hostname] = "\n\n&"+color[hostname]+" "+hostname+" Domain State is "+state
# Dom0 to carry warnings from its DomUs
if status_info[dom_hostname] == "": status_info[dom_hostname] = "\n"
status_info[dom_hostname] += "&"+color[hostname]+" "+hostname+" Domain State is "+state+"\n"
status[dom_hostname] = status[hostname]
color[dom_hostname] = color[hostname]
status_info[hostname] = ""
# Convert to MB
info[1] = info[1] / 1024
info[2] = info[2] / 1024
# Either Figure % memory or if less than 0, set to no max
if info[1] >= 0:
percentmem = ((float(info[2]) / memory) * 100)
percentmem = ((float(info[2]) / memory) * 100)
info[1] = memory
if conn.lookupByID(dom).name() != "Domain-0":
# Create our hobbit data for this host
DATA[hostname] = "State: %s\nHostServerMemUsed: %.2f%%\nMaxMemSet: %s MB\nCurMemSet: %s MB\nVCPUs: %d" \
%( state, percentmem, info[1], info[2], info[3] )
# Create our hobbit data for the Dom0, this contains all data from all Virts
DATA[dom_hostname] += hostname+"\n" + DATA[hostname] + "\n\n"
# Push the dom0 name back on the end.
DATA[hostname] += "\nDom0: " + dom_hostname
# Send away!
for key in DATA.keys():
command = "%s/bin/bb %s 'status %s%s.%s %s %s - %s%s\n\n%s\n\n%s'\n" \
%( bbhome, hobbit_server, key, domain, bbtest, color[key], hobbittime, status[key], status_info[key], test_explanation, DATA[key] )
print "Failed to send data to hobbit"