# mysql-checker.pl
# Given a list, check for mysql service on a given port as efficently as possible.
# WARNING: This is a multi-threaded script. If your DBD::mysql was built or linked
# against something that wasn't thread safe (or your libmysql subsequently uses stuff
# like a openssl that wasn't thread safe) you will have probs. This includes RHEL 6.
# perl-DBD-MySQL needs to be compiled with --libs=`mysql_config --libs_r` and your
# mysql-config needs to match.
# We've had better luck with the official Oracle MySQL-shared-5.5 RPMs instead of
# the RHEL 6 mysql-libs-5.1 RPM.
# Includes some code from the 'threads' module's pool_reuse.pl script.
# Copyright Japheth Cleaver <cleaver-xymon@terabithia.org>
# Licensed under GPLv2
# Master debug flag...
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{'DEBUG'} || 0;
# Autoflush
DEBUG and $|=1;
use threads 1.39; # threading for fun and profit
use threads::shared; # ... the right way
use Thread::Queue; # ... don't set up and tear down, use queues!
use strict; # meh
use warnings; # double meh
use DBD::mysql; # connect to mysql
use Time::HiRes qw(time usleep); # use hi-res timing info
use POSIX qw(strftime); # auto-print 'date' -- we could just call `date` once at the
# beginning and be done with it, but this is slightly more
# accurate (each test comes back with the timestamp it was
# actually tested at) and I'm kind of particular like that.
# MySQL connect info -- modify as appropriate
# host and IP address are added later on...
use constant {
USER => 'youruseraccount',
PASS => 'yourpasswordhere',
CERT => '/some/path/here.crt',
PRIVKEY => '/some/path/here.key',
use constant DSN => 'DBI:mysql:mysql_connect_timeout=5;';
# use constant DSN => 'DBI:mysql:mysql_ssl=1;mysql_ssl_client_key=' . PRIVKEY . ';mysql_ssl_client_cert=' . CERT . ';mysql_connect_timeout=5;';
# Hard code these for lookup speed
use constant {
OKSTRING => 'MySQL connection ok',
COMBO_HEADER => "combo\n",
CHECK_INT => (defined $ENV{'mysql_CHECK_INT'} and $ENV{'mysql_CHECK_INT'}) || 1.1,
MAX_THREADS => (defined $ENV{'mysql_MAX_THREADS'} and $ENV{'mysql_MAX_THREADS'}) || 84,
MAX_LOOPS => (defined $ENV{'mysql_MAX_LOOPS'} and $ENV{'mysql_MAX_LOOPS'}) || 55,
STACK_SIZE => (defined $ENV{'mysql_STACK_SIZE'} and $ENV{'mysql_STACK_SIZE'}) || 65536,
our %downHosts;
%downHosts = ();
if ($ENV{'EXCLUSIONLIST'} && -f $ENV{'EXCLUSIONLIST'} && -s _ ) {
# A list of hosts to exclude from alerting -- typically due to being conn down, but could be for any reason
chomp and $downHosts{$_}=1 while (<CONNDOWN>);
DEBUG and print " - found ", scalar(keys %downHosts), " hosts to be mooted (ping down)\n";
### Signal Handling ###
# Flag to inform all threads that application is terminating
my $TERM :shared = 0;
# Threads add their ID to this queue when they are ready for work
# Also, when app terminates a -1 is added to this queue
my $IDLE_QUEUE :shared = Thread::Queue->new();
# Gracefully terminate application on ^C or command line 'kill'
$SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = sub {
warn ">>> Terminating early, per signal <<<\n";
$TERM = 1;
# Add -1 to head of idle queue to signal termination
$IDLE_QUEUE->insert(0, -1);
# We open and write in to xymon with perl's open function, meaning we need
# to deal with PIPE signals properly. Same with our children.
### Begin -- Set up our threads and queues ###
our $drh = DBI->install_driver('mysql');
our $checkerStart = time;
our %workerQueues :shared;
our %responses :shared;
for (1 .. MAX_THREADS) {
# create the queue
my $workQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
# create the thread, pointing it to the queue
my $thr = threads->create('threadedChecker', $workQueue);
DEBUG > 1 and print " - made thread ", $thr->tid(), "\n";
# save the thread's info
$workerQueues{$thr->tid()} = $workQueue;
### Main event loop ###
my %seen;
my $comboMessage = my $code = '';
my $hosts = my $count = 0;
my $nextHosts = COMBO_SIZE;
my $nextCheck = time;
DEBUG and print "- Work starting at $nextCheck\n";
$nextCheck += CHECK_INT;
while (<STDIN>) {
# We're looking for things like:
# db10011.example.net # <whatever> mysql <whatever>
# db10012.example.net # <whatever> mysql:3306 <whatever>
# db10013.example.net # <whatever> mysql:5678 <whatever>
DEBUG > 2 and print " -> saw: " . $_;
# Isolate the interesting fields
next unless m/^([\d\.]+)\s+(\S+)\s+#.*(mysql:?(\d+)?)/;
# my $ip = $1; my $hostname = $2; my $port = $4 || 3306;
# "ip \t hostname \t port \t isdownflag" is used as a key value and passed to the thread
$code = join("\t", $1, $2, ($4 || 3306), (defined($downHosts{$2}) ? 1 : 0) );
next if $seen{$code}++;
# Retrieve the first idle thread
my $tid = $IDLE_QUEUE->dequeue();
last if ($tid < 0); # none left, exit
# Enqueue this key
DEBUG > 1 and print "Submitting: " . $code . " to " . $tid . "...\n";
# Once every set of COMBO_SIZE hosts and CHECK_INT seconds while
# processing STDIN, pick up results. This helps spread out message sending
# load to xymon instead of just trying to pound it when we're done.
next unless ($hosts > $nextHosts && time > $nextCheck);
last if $TERM; # if told to quit
DEBUG and print "Checking for thread results...\n";
while ((my @codes = keys %responses) >= COMBO_SIZE) {
DEBUG and print "- see " . @codes . " total results, " . scalar threads->list() . " threads active at " . (time - $checkerStart) . "s\n";
$_ and $comboMessage .= $responses{$_} and delete $responses{$_} foreach (@codes[0 .. COMBO_SIZE]);
# Anything to send?
last unless $comboMessage;
# Off to report!
if (DEBUG <= 2) {
DEBUG and print " -- sending combo message --\n";
# Fork, so that we can send to xymon asynchronously?
if (! fork() ) {
# in the child...
DEBUG and print "Forked child...\n";
close(STDIN) or warn "Can't close STDIN in child ($$): $!\n";
# Send to xymon over its STDIN
open (XYMFH, '|-', XYMON, '--timeout=30', XYMSRV, '@') or die "Unable to open xymon in child ($$): $!";
print XYMFH COMBO_HEADER, $comboMessage;
close (XYMFH); # or warn "Unable to close xymon in child ($$); message possibly dropped? ($!)";
# Clean up and go away
close(STDOUT); close(STDERR);
exit 0;
} else {
print "would run XYMON\n==Output==\n$comboMessage\n=== end ===\n";
$comboMessage = '';
}; # end WHILE >= COMBO_SIZE
# Don't check again until these thresholds are crossed
$nextCheck = time + CHECK_INT;
$nextHosts = $hosts + COMBO_SIZE;
}; # end while STDIN
# We've sent all the work off... Begin "final" response collection..
# Signal all threads that there is no more work
$workerQueues{$_}->enqueue('') foreach keys(%workerQueues);
# Loop while we wait for threads to complete their processing... if no
# responses are present (no @codes), sleep
DEBUG and print "Checking for final results...\n";
while ((my @codes = keys %responses) || (sleep 1 && threads->list()) ) {
DEBUG and print "- see " . @codes . " total results, " . scalar threads->list() . " threads active (wait loop $count)\n";
$_ and $comboMessage .= $responses{$_} and delete $responses{$_} foreach (@codes[0 ... (@codes < COMBO_SIZE ? ($#codes + 1) : COMBO_SIZE)]);
# Anything to send? (note the continue block below)
next unless $comboMessage;
# Off to report!
if (DEBUG <= 2) {
DEBUG and print " -- sending combo message --\n";
# Fork, so that we can send to xymon asynchronously?
if (! fork() ) {
# in the child...
DEBUG and print "Forked child...\n";
close(STDIN) or warn "Can't close STDIN in child ($$): $!\n";
# Send to xymon over its STDIN
open (XYMFH, '|-', XYMON, '--timeout=30', XYMSRV, '@') or die "Unable to open xymon in child ($$): $!";
print XYMFH COMBO_HEADER, $comboMessage;
close (XYMFH); # or warn "Unable to close xymon in child ($$); message possibly dropped? ($!)";
# Clean up and go away
close(STDOUT); close(STDERR);
exit 0;
} else {
print "would run XYMON\n==Output==\n$comboMessage\n=== end ===\n";
$comboMessage = '';
} continue {
# Collect finished threads
$_->join() foreach threads->list(threads::joinable);
last if $count++ > MAX_LOOPS;
# One way or another, we're done
DEBUG and threads->list(threads::all) and print "- Killing " . threads->list(threads::all) . " thread(s)\n";
$_->kill('KILL')->detach() foreach threads->list(threads::all);
print '- Run complete; did ', $hosts, ' hosts in ', (time - $checkerStart), " seconds\n";
exit 0;
# The Actual MySQL Checker
sub threadedChecker {
# This thread's queue and ID
my ($workQueue) = @_;
my $tid = threads->tid();
# Allocate memory once for each thread... no need to increase the chance of things going awry
my ($ip, $hostname, $port, $down);
my ($color, $status, $checks, $data, $stats, $info);
my $starttime = my $elapsed = my $date = 0;
my $dbh;
# Work loop
WORK: { do {
# Indicate that were are ready to do work
#DEBUG > 2 and print "Idle -> $tid\n";
# Set variables - by default things are good (we hope)
$color = 'green'; $status = OKSTRING; $checks = '&green Connected to a MySQL '; $stats = '';
# pop the stack
# we're getting a "ip \t hostname \t port \t down" from the main queue
($ip, $hostname, $port, $down) = split (/\t/, my $work = $workQueue->dequeue(), 4);
DEBUG > 1 and print(" -> thread $tid checking $work\n");
# Did we get anything weird or invalid? close out the thread
last WORK unless $port;
$starttime = time;
# If we're not actually doing any work at all (in DEBUG mode), simulate
# by adding a small delay here
(DEBUG > 2 and usleep(150000)) or do {
# Check for a connection error...
unless ($dbh = DBI->connect(DSN . "host=$ip;port=$port", USER, PASS, { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => DEBUG ? 1 : 0, mysql_no_autocommit_cmd => 1, mysql_auto_reconnect => 0 }) ) {
$elapsed = time - $starttime;
$color = 'red'; $checks = '&red ' . $DBI::errstr . "\n"; $status = 'CRITICAL: Unable to connect';
# Comment this line out once you're sure you've got thread-safe libraries
die "Got latin1 multi-threading error... $tid is bailing out" if index ($DBI::errstr, "Can't initialize character set latin1", 0) != -1;
} else {
$elapsed = time - $starttime;
$info = $dbh->{'mysql_serverinfo'};
do { $color='yellow'; $checks = '&yellow ' . $dbh->errstr . "\n"; $status = 'WARNING: Unexpected response getting info'; last; } if defined $dbh->err;
$checks .= $info . " server\n";
$stats = $dbh->{'mysql_stat'};
do { $color='yellow'; $checks .= '&yellow ' . $dbh->errstr . "\n"; $status = 'WARNING: Unexpected response getting stats'; last; } if defined $dbh->err;
$stats =~ s/\b\s+(\w[a-zA-Z ]+)\:/\n$1:/g;
# the 'last's above take us here.... this is cheap error exiting
do { $color='yellow'; $checks .= '&yellow ' . $dbh->errstr . "\n"; $status = 'WARNING: Unexpected response closing connection'; } if defined $dbh->err;
}; # end unless connection failed
}; # end do unless DEBUG block
# Send the result back
$date = strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", localtime($starttime));
$hostname =~ s/\./,/g;
# Modify as needed
DEBUG > 1 and $down and $color eq 'red' and print(" -> thread $tid checking $work, is down but also ping down ... setting to clear\n");
$color = 'clear' if ($down && $color eq 'red');
$responses{$work} = "status/group:mysql ${hostname}.mysql $color $date - $status\n\n$checks\n$stats\n\nSeconds: $elapsed\n\n\n";
# Loop back to idle state if not told to terminate
} while (! $TERM); # end of do block
}; # end of WORK (label used to quit for good without modifying $TERM)
# All done
DEBUG > 1 and print "Finished -> $tid, size " . threads->self()->get_stack_size() . "\n";