# prustat - Process utilisation stats: %CPU, %Mem, %Disk, %Net. Solaris 10.
# Needs to run as root. This is a demonstration release - check for
# newer optimised versions. Uses Kstat, DTrace and procfs.
# 12-Mar-2005, ver 0.50 (demonstration release, http://www.brendangregg.com)
# prustat [-cehinuwxz] [-p PID] [-s sort] [-t top] [interval] [count]
# prustat # %Utilisation
# prustat -i # + I/O stats
# prustat -u # + USR/SYS times
# prustat -x # + Context Switchs
# prustat -c # Clear screen
# prustat -w # Wide output
# prustat -z # Skip zero lines
# prustat -e # Extra precision
# prustat -p PID # this PID only
# prustat -s sort # sort on pid|cpu|mem|disk|net|utime|vctx|...
# prustat -t lines # print top number of lines only
# eg,
# prustat 2 # 2 second samples (first is historical)
# prustat 10 5 # 5 x 10 second samples
# prustat -t 8 10 5 # 5 x 10 second samples, top 8 lines only
# prustat -ct 20 5 # 20 lines with screen refresh each 5 seconds
# prustat -iuxct 5 10 # multi output, all reports every 10 seconds
# prustat -ct 22 -s cpu 5 # 22 lines, sort by cpu, every 5 secs
# prustat -ct 22 -s mem 5 # 22 lines, sort by mem, every 5 secs
# prustat -ct 22 -s net 5 # 22 lines, sort by network, every 5 secs
# prustat -ct 22 -s disk 5 # 22 lines, sort by disk, every 5 secs
# PID Process ID
# CPU Percent CPU
# Mem Percent RAM
# Disk Percent Disk
# Net Percent Network
# MAJF Major Page Faults (disk I/O)
# INBLK In Blocks (disk I/O reads)
# OUBLK Out Blocks (disk I/O writes)
# CHAR-kb Character I/O Kbytes
# COMM Command name
# USR User Time
# SYS System Time
# WAIT Wait for CPU Time
# VCTX Voluntary Context Switches (I/O bound)
# ICTX Involuntary Context Switches (CPU bound)
# SYSC System calls
# WARNING: This program will run DTrace to gather Disk and Network data.
# This has not been fully tested on different environments to study the
# impact of these extra measurements. For now this is a demonstration
# release - best to run in development for short periods. Check for
# newer versions and updates to this message.
# NOTE: There is no historical values for Disk or Network utilisation percent,
# the first sample for these will always show zero.
# REFERENCES: /usr/include/sys/procfs.h
# SEE ALSO: iosnoop, psio, prusage # process Disk I/O
# socketsnoop.d # process TCP
# prstat -m # USR/SYS times, ...
# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)
# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
# 12-Mar-2005 Brendan Gregg Created this.
use Getopt::Std;
use Sun::Solaris::Kstat;
my $Kstat = Sun::Solaris::Kstat->new();
# --- Default Variables ---
$INTERVAL = 1; # seconds to sample
$MAX = 1; # max count of samples
$NEW = 0; # skip summary output (new data only)
$WIDE = 0; # print wide output (don't truncate)
$SCHED = 0; # print PID 0
$TOP = 0; # print top many only
$CLEAR = 0; # clear screen before outputs
$ZERO = 0; # if 1, skip zero entries (all 0.00)
$STYLE_UTIL = 1; # default output style, utilisation
$STYLE_IO = 0; # output style, I/O
$STYLE_CTX = 0; # output style, Context Switches
$STYLE_TIME = 0; # output style, Times
$STYLE_EXTRA = 0; # output style, Extra precision
$MULTI = 0; # multi report, multiple styles
$TARGET_PID = -1; # target PID, -1 means all
$TIME_BEGIN = 1; # start of interval, ns
$TIME_END = 1; # end of interval, ns
$count = 1; # current iteration
$NIC_DEF = 100_000_000; # default NIC speed (100 Mbps)
### Network card instance names
@Network = qw(dmfe bge be ce eri ge hme le ppp qfe rtls sppp iprb);
$Network{$_} = 1 foreach (@Network);
# --- Command Line Arguments ---
&Usage() if $ARGV[0] eq "--help";
getopts('cehinuwxzp:s:t:') || &Usage();
&Usage() if $opt_h;
$NEW = 1 if $opt_n;
$WIDE = 1 if $opt_w;
$CLEAR = 1 if $opt_c;
$ZERO = 1 if $opt_z;
$STYLE_IO = 1 if $opt_i;
$STYLE_CTX = 1 if $opt_x;
$STYLE_TIME = 1 if $opt_u;
$STYLE_EXTRA = 1 if $opt_e;
$STYLE_IO = 1 if $opt_i;
$STYLE_UTIL = 0 if $opt_i || $opt_x || $opt_u || $opt_e;
$TOP = $opt_t if defined $opt_t;
$SORT = $opt_s if defined $opt_s;
$TARGET_PID = $opt_p if defined $opt_p;
$MAX = 2**32 if @ARGV == 1;
$MAX = shift(@ARGV) || $MAX;
$CLEARSTR = `clear` if $CLEAR;
# --- Determine Network Capacity ---
my ($error,$time,$module,$instance,$name);
my ($bytes,$rbytes,$wbytes);
my (%Modules,%Instances,%Names);
$NIC_SPEED = 0; # sum of Mbps across all NICs
### Loop over all NICs
foreach $module (keys(%$Kstat)) {
next unless $Network{$module};
$Modules = $Kstat->{$module};
foreach $instance (keys(%$Modules)) {
$Instances = $Modules->{$instance};
foreach $name (keys(%$Instances)) {
$Names = $Instances->{$name};
if (defined $$Names{ifspeed}) {
$NIC_SPEED += $$Names{ifspeed};
} else {
# --- Open DTrace ---
@Dscript = <DATA>;
$dscript = join('',@Dscript);
$ENV{"PATH"} = "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/perl5/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/X11/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/dt/bin/:/usr/local/samba/bin:/opt/sfw/bin";
open(DTRACE,"$dscript 2>/dev/null |") || die("ERROR1: Can't open dtrace: $!\n");
### Cleanup on signals
$SIG{INT} = \&Cleanup;
$SIG{QUIT} = \&Cleanup;
$SIG{TERM} = \&Cleanup;
$SIG{PIPE} = \&Cleanup;
# --- Main ---
for (;$count <= $MAX; $count++) {
### Get CPU and Mem data
next if $NEW && $count == 1;
### Preprocess PID
### Print data
print $CLEARSTR if $CLEAR;
&PrintUtil($SORT) if $STYLE_UTIL;
&PrintExtra($SORT) if $STYLE_EXTRA;
&PrintIO($SORT) if $STYLE_IO;
&PrintCtx($SORT) if $STYLE_CTX;
&PrintTime($SORT) if $STYLE_TIME;
### Cleanup memory
undef %Comm;
undef %PID;
### Get Disk and Net data
for ($pause = 0; $pause < $INTERVAL; $pause++) {
# --- Subroutines ---
# GetProcStat - Gets /proc usage statistics and saves them in %PID.
# This can be run multiple times, the first time %PID will be
# populated with the summary since boot values.
# This reads /proc/*/usage and /proc/*/prstat.
sub GetProcStat {
my $pid;
chdir "/proc";
### Main PID Loop
foreach $pid (sort {$a<=>$b} <*>) {
next if $pid == $$;
next if $pid == 0 && $SCHED == 0;
next if $TARGET_PID > -1 && $pid != $TARGET_PID;
### Read usage stats
open(USAGE,"/proc/$pid/usage") || next;
close USAGE;
### Unpack usage values
($pr_lwpid, $pr_count, $pr_tstamp, $pr_create, $pr_term,
$pr_rtime, $pr_utime, $pr_stime, $pr_ttime, $pr_tftime,
$pr_dftime, $pr_kftime, $pr_ltime, $pr_slptime, $pr_wtime,
$pr_stoptime, $filltime, $pr_minf, $pr_majf, $pr_nswap,
$pr_inblk, $pr_oublk, $pr_msnd, $pr_mrcv, $pr_sigs,
$pr_vctx, $pr_ictx, $pr_sysc, $pr_ioch, $filler) =
### Process usage values
$New{$pid}{utime} = timestruct2int($pr_utime);
$New{$pid}{stime} = timestruct2int($pr_stime);
$New{$pid}{ttime} = timestruct2int($pr_ttime);
$New{$pid}{ltime} = timestruct2int($pr_ltime);
$New{$pid}{wtime} = timestruct2int($pr_wtime);
$New{$pid}{slptime} = timestruct2int($pr_slptime);
$New{$pid}{minf} = $pr_minf;
$New{$pid}{majf} = $pr_majf;
$New{$pid}{nswap} = $pr_nswap;
$New{$pid}{inblk} = $pr_inblk;
$New{$pid}{oublk} = $pr_oublk;
$New{$pid}{vctx} = $pr_vctx;
$New{$pid}{ictx} = $pr_ictx;
$New{$pid}{sysc} = $pr_sysc;
$New{$pid}{ioch} = $pr_ioch;
# and a couple of my own,
$New{$pid}{blks} = $pr_inblk + $pr_oublk;
$New{$pid}{ctxs} = $pr_vctx + $pr_ictx;
### Read psinfo stats
open(PSINFO,"/proc/$pid/psinfo") || next;
close PSINFO;
### Unpack psinfo values
($pr_flag, $pr_nlwp, $pr_pid, $pr_ppid, $pr_pgid, $pr_sid,
$pr_uid, $pr_euid, $pr_gid, $pr_egid, $pr_addr, $pr_size,
$pr_rssize, $pr_pad1, $pr_ttydev, $pr_pctcpu, $pr_pctmem,
$pr_start, $pr_time, $pr_ctime, $pr_fname, $pr_psargs,
$pr_wstat, $pr_argc, $pr_argv, $pr_envp, $pr_dmodel,
$pr_taskid, $pr_projid, $pr_nzomb, $pr_poolid, $pr_zoneid, $filler) =
### Process psinfo values
$PID{$pid}{pctcpu} = $pr_pctcpu / 0x8000;
$PID{$pid}{pctmem} = $pr_pctmem / 0x8000;
$PID{$pid}{uid} = $pr_uid;
$New{$pid}{size} = $pr_size;
$New{$pid}{rssize} = $pr_rssize;
### Save command name
$Comm{$pid} = $pr_fname;
### Turn incrementals into values
foreach $pid (keys %New) {
# save PID values,
foreach $key (keys %{$New{$pid}}) {
$PID{$pid}{$key} = $New{$pid}{$key} - $Old{$pid}{$key};
undef %Old;
### Remember old value
foreach $pid (keys %New) {
# save old values,
foreach $key (keys %{$New{$pid}}) {
$Old{$pid}{$key} = $New{$pid}{$key};
# GetDTraceStat - read detals from a DTrace connection until a heartbeat
# is read (happens every second).
sub GetDTraceStat {
my ($line,$cmd,$rest,$uid,$pid,$size,$name,$delta);
while ($line = <DTRACE>) {
($cmd,$rest) = split(' ',$line,2);
### Start
$TIME_BEGIN = $rest if $cmd eq "B";
### Heartbeat
if ($cmd eq "T") {
$TIME_END = $rest;
### Network traffic
if ($cmd eq "N") {
($uid,$pid,$size,$name) = split(' ',$rest);
next if $TARGET_PID > -1 && $pid != $TARGET_PID;
$PID{$pid}{netrw} += $size;
unless (defined $Comm{$pid}) {
$Comm{$pid} = $name;
$PID{$pid}{uid} = $uid;
### Disk traffic
if ($cmd eq "D") {
($uid,$pid,$delta,$size,$name) = split(' ',$rest);
next if $TARGET_PID > -1 && $pid != $TARGET_PID;
$PID{$pid}{dtime} += $delta;
unless (defined $Comm{$pid}) {
$Comm{$pid} = $name;
$PID{$pid}{uid} = $uid;
# ProcessPID - pre process %PID before printing.
# This calculates values such as sumpct for sorting.
sub ProcessPID {
my ($pid,$cpu,$mem,$disk,$net,$sample);
my ($factorcpu,$factormem,$factordisk,$factornet);
### Factors for %util conversions
$sample = $TIME_END - $TIME_BEGIN || 1;
$factorcpu = 100;
$factormem = 100;
$factordisk = 100 / $sample;
$factornet = 800 / ($NIC_SPEED * ($sample / 1_000_000_000));
### Process %PID
foreach $pid (keys(%PID)) {
$cpu = $PID{$pid}{pctcpu} * $factorcpu;
$mem = $PID{$pid}{pctmem} * $factormem;
$disk = $PID{$pid}{dtime} * $factordisk;
$net = $PID{$pid}{netrw} * $factornet;
$PID{$pid}{cpu} = $cpu;
$PID{$pid}{mem} = $mem;
$PID{$pid}{disk} = $disk;
$PID{$pid}{net} = $net;
$PID{$pid}{all} = $cpu + $mem + $disk + $net;
# PrintUtil - print a report on utilisation.
sub PrintUtil {
my $sort = shift || "all";
my $top = $TOP;
my ($pid,$cpu,$mem,$disk,$net,$all);
### Print header
printf("%5s %6s %6s %6s %6s %s\n","PID",
### Print report
foreach $pid (&SortPID("$sort")) {
# Fetch utilisations
$cpu = $PID{$pid}{cpu};
$mem = $PID{$pid}{mem};
$disk = $PID{$pid}{disk};
$net = $PID{$pid}{net};
$all = $PID{$pid}{all};
# Skip zero lines if needed
if ($ZERO && ($all < 0.02)) { next; }
# Print output
printf("%5s %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %s\n",$pid,
last if --$top == 0;
print "\n" if $MULTI;
# PrintExtra - print a report on utilisation, with extra decimal places.
sub PrintExtra {
my $sort = shift || "all";
my $top = $TOP;
my ($pid,$cpu,$mem,$disk,$net,$all);
### Print header
printf("%5s %8s %8s %8s %8s %s\n","PID",
### Print report
foreach $pid (&SortPID("$sort")) {
# Fetch utilisations
$cpu = $PID{$pid}{cpu};
$mem = $PID{$pid}{mem};
$disk = $PID{$pid}{disk};
$net = $PID{$pid}{net};
$all = $PID{$pid}{all};
# Skip zero lines if needed
if ($ZERO && ($all < 0.02)) { next; }
# Print output
printf("%5s %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %s\n",$pid,
last if --$top == 0;
print "\n" if $MULTI;
# PrintIO - print a report with I/O statistics: minf, majf, inblk, oublk, ioch.
sub PrintIO {
my $sort = shift || "blks";
my $top = $TOP;
my ($pid,$cpu,$mem,$disk,$net,$all);
### Print header
printf("%5s %6s %6s %6s %6s %8s %8s %9s %s\n","PID",
### Print report
foreach $pid (&SortPID("$sort")) {
# Fetch utilisations
$cpu = $PID{$pid}{cpu};
$mem = $PID{$pid}{mem};
$disk = $PID{$pid}{disk};
$net = $PID{$pid}{net};
$all = $PID{$pid}{all};
# Skip zero lines if needed
if ($ZERO && ($all < 0.02)) { next; }
# Print output
printf("%5s %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %8d %8d %9.0f %s\n",
last if --$top == 0;
print "\n" if $MULTI;
# PrintTime - print a report including usr, sys and wait times.
sub PrintTime {
my $sort = shift || "cpu";
my $top = $TOP;
my ($pid,$cpu,$mem,$disk,$net,$all);
### Print header
printf("%5s %6s %6s %6s %6s %8s %8s %8s %s\n","PID",
### Print report
foreach $pid (&SortPID("$sort")) {
# Fetch utilisations
$cpu = $PID{$pid}{cpu};
$mem = $PID{$pid}{mem};
$disk = $PID{$pid}{disk};
$net = $PID{$pid}{net};
$all = $PID{$pid}{all};
# Skip zero lines if needed
if ($ZERO && ($all < 0.02)) { next; }
# Print output
printf("%5s %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %8d %8d %8d %s\n",
last if --$top == 0;
print "\n" if $MULTI;
# PrintCtx - print a report on context switches: vctx, ictx and sys calls.
sub PrintCtx {
my $sort = shift || "ctxs";
my $top = $TOP;
my ($pid,$cpu,$mem,$disk,$net,$all);
### Print header
printf("%5s %6s %6s %6s %6s %8s %8s %9s %s\n","PID",
### Print report
foreach $pid (&SortPID("$sort")) {
# Fetch utilisations
$cpu = $PID{$pid}{cpu};
$mem = $PID{$pid}{mem};
$disk = $PID{$pid}{disk};
$net = $PID{$pid}{net};
$all = $PID{$pid}{all};
# Skip zero lines if needed
if ($ZERO && ($all < 0.02)) { next; }
# Print output
printf("%5s %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %8d %8d %9d %s\n",
last if --$top == 0;
print "\n" if $MULTI;
# SortPID - sorts the PID hash by the key given as arg1, returning a sorted
# array of PIDs.
sub SortPID {
my $sort = shift;
### Sort numerically
if ($sort eq "pid") {
return sort {$a <=> $b} (keys %PID);
} else {
return sort {$PID{$b}{$sort} <=> $PID{$a}{$sort}} (keys %PID);
# timestruct2int - Convert a timestruct value (64 bits) into an integer
# of seconds.
sub timestruct2int {
my $timestruct = shift;
my ($secs,$nsecs) = unpack("LL",$timestruct);
my $time = $secs + $nsecs * 10**-9;
return $time;
# trunc - Returns a truncated string if required.
sub trunc {
my $string = shift;
my $length = shift;
if ($WIDE) {
return $string;
} else {
return substr($string,0,$length);
# Cleanup - subroutine for signal management.
sub Cleanup {
# Usage - print usage message and exit.
sub Usage {
print STDERR <<END;
prustat ver 0.50, demo release
USAGE: prustat [-cehinuwxz] [-p PID] [-s sort] [-t top] [interval] [count]
prustat # \%Utilisation
prustat -i # + I/O stats
prustat -u # + USR/SYS times
prustat -x # + Context Switchs
prustat -c # Clear screen
prustat -w # Wide output
prustat -z # Skip zero lines
prustat -e # Extra precision
prustat -p PID # this PID only
prustat -s sort # sort on pid|cpu|mem|disk|net|utime|vctx|...
prustat -t lines # print top number of lines only
prustat 2 # 2 second samples (first is historical)
prustat 10 5 # 5 x 10 second samples
prustat -t 8 10 5 # 5 x 10 second samples, top 8 lines only
prustat -ct 20 5 # 20 lines with screen refresh each 5 seconds
prustat -iuxct 5 10 # multi output, all reports every 10 seconds
prustat -ct 22 -s cpu 5 # 22 lines, sort by cpu, every 5 secs
prustat -ct 22 -s mem 5 # 22 lines, sort by mem, every 5 secs
prustat -ct 22 -s net 5 # 22 lines, sort by network, every 5 secs
prustat -ct 22 -s disk 5 # 22 lines, sort by disk, every 5 secs
# --- DTrace ---
/usr/sbin/dtrace -n '
** The following is a trimmed version of two seperate DTrace scripts:
** socketsnoop.d - snoop TCP network socket traffic by process.
** This is intended to identify the process responsible
** for network traffic. Written in DTrace (Solaris 10 build 63).
** iosnoop.d - A program to print I/O events as they happen, with useful
** details such as UID, PID, inode, command, etc.
** Written in DTrace (Solaris 10 build 63).
#pragma D option quiet
** --- TIMESTAMPS ---
dtrace:::BEGIN {
printf("B %d\n",timestamp);
/* last is used as a timestamp to the disk request, OR,
to the last disk completion. This is needed to avoid
over counting disk times due to disk buffers (queues),
however remains a minor simplification. */
last = timestamp;
profile:::tick-1sec {
/* heartbeat */
printf("T %d\n",timestamp);
** --- DISK ----
** Store entry details
this->dev = args[0]->b_edev;
this->blk = args[0]->b_blkno;
start_uid[this->dev,this->blk] = curpsinfo->pr_euid;
start_pid[this->dev,this->blk] = pid;
start_comm[this->dev,this->blk] = (char *)curpsinfo->pr_fname;
last = timestamp;
** Process completion
/* fetch entry values */
this->dev = args[0]->b_edev;
this->blk = args[0]->b_blkno;
this->delta = timestamp - last;
this->suid = start_uid[this->dev,this->blk];
this->spid = start_pid[this->dev,this->blk];
this->scomm = start_comm[this->dev,this->blk];
/* memory cleanup */
start_uid[this->dev,this->blk] = 0;
start_pid[this->dev,this->blk] = 0;
start_comm[this->dev,this->blk] = 0;
last = timestamp;
** Print event details
printf("D %d %d %d %d %s\n",
this->scomm == 0 ? "." : stringof(this->scomm));
** --- NETWORK ----
** Store Write Values
self->uid = curpsinfo->pr_euid;
self->pid = pid;
self->comm = (char *)curpsinfo->pr_fname;
self->size = msgdsize(args[1]);
self->ok = 1;
** Store Read Values
self->uid = curpsinfo->pr_euid;
self->pid = pid;
self->comm = (char *)curpsinfo->pr_fname;
/* We track the read request (man uio), */
self->uiop = (struct uio *) arg2;
self->residual = self->uiop->uio_resid;
/* The following ensures the type is AF_INET (sys/socket.h), */
this->sonode = (struct sonode *)arg0;
self->ok = (int)this->sonode->so_type == 2 ? 1 : 0;
/arg0 != 0 && self->ok/
/* calculate successful read size */
self->size = self->residual - self->uiop->uio_resid;
** Print output
fbt:ip:tcp_output:entry, fbt:sockfs:sotpi_recvmsg:return
printf("N %d %d %d %s\n",self->uid,self->pid,
self->ok = 0;
self->uid = 0;
self->pid = 0;
self->comm = 0;
self->size = 0;
self->residual = 0;
self->uiop = 0;