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Make sure it's executable. === Server side === If you want graphing, add the following to xymonserver.cfg SPLITNCV_zmem="*:GAUGE" And add the following to TEST2RRD= zmem=ncv and GRAPHS= zmem::4 also in xymonserver.cfg\\ \\ Then add the following to graphs.cfg [zmem] FNPATTERN ^zmem,(.*).rrd TITLE Zone %Memory Utilisation YAXIS % -l 0 -u 100 DEF:p@RRDIDX@=@RRDFN@:lambda:AVERAGE LINE2:p@RRDIDX@#@COLOR@:@RRDPARAM@ GPRINT:p@RRDIDX@:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur) GPRINT:p@RRDIDX@:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max) GPRINT:p@RRDIDX@:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min) GPRINT:p@RRDIDX@:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n ===== Source ===== ==== ==== <hidden onHidden="Show Code ⇲" onVisible="Hide Code ⇱"> <code> #!/usr/bin/ksh if [ "$(/usr/bin/zonename)" != "global" ] then echo "I only run in global zones." exit 1 fi SWAPRED=90 SWAPYEL=75 MEMRED=95 MEMYEL=80 TEMPFILE=$XYMONTMP/zonemem.tmp COLOUR=green ALERT_HIGH_SWAP=true ALERT_HIGH_MEM=true typeset -L10 ZONE typeset -R5 MEMCAP SWAPCAP CAP typeset -R6 PCT_USED PCTSWAP typeset -R8 MEMUSED MEMFREE TOTMEMFREE GLOBUSED RSS PCT_USEDG SWAP # If we count the ZFS cache as free mem, then set this to true. # If false, we will use the vmstat definition of free memory. ZFSFREE=true ALERT=1 # 1= alert on high usage YELLOW=80 RED=90 INCLUDE_GLOBAL=true # Now we redefine some variables, if they are set in clientlocal LOGFETCH=${XYMONTMP}/logfetch.$(uname -n).cfg if [ -f $LOGFETCH ] then grep "^ZONEMEM:" $LOGFETCH | cut -d":" -f2 \ | while read NEW_DEF do $NEW_DEF done fi size_to_K () { typeset -R1 UNIT SIZE=$1 UNIT=$SIZE case $UNIT in K) MULTIPLYER=1;; M) MULTIPLYER=1024;; G) MULTIPLYER=1048576;; T) MULTIPLYER=1073741824;; esac SIZE=${SIZE%?} ((SIZE=SIZE*MULTIPLYER)) echo $SIZE } size_K_to_G () { # Or to M is we add an M parameter. if [ "$2" = "M" ] then GSize=$(echo "$1/1024" | bc)M else GSize=$(echo "scale=3; $1/1048576+0.005" | bc) GSize=${GSize%?}G fi echo $GSize$UNIT } INSTALLED_MEM=$(prtdiag -v | grep Memory) GLOBMEM=$(echo $INSTALLED_MEM | awk '{ print $3"M" }') GLOBMEM=$(size_to_K $GLOBMEM) date > $TEMPFILE echo >> $TEMPFILE echo "Global $INSTALLED_MEM" | sed "s/size:/size - /g" >> $TEMPFILE NUMZONES=$(zoneadm list | wc -l) NUMZONES=$(echo $NUMZONES | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') if [ "$ZFSFREE" = "true" ] then MEMFREE_GLOB=$( $XYMONCLIENTHOME/ext/getmemstat.ksh | egrep "^ZFS File Data|^Free" | cut -c18- | awk '{ sum += $2 } END { print sum }') MEMFREE_GLOBK=$(size_to_K ${MEMFREE_GLOB}M) else MEMFREE_GLOBK=$(vmstat 2 2 | tail -1 | awk '{ print $5 }') fi echo " M E M O R Y | S W A P " >> $TEMPFILE echo "Zone MemCap MemUsed% AvailMem UsedMem %of Global | SwapCap SwapUsed% SwapUsed " >> $TEMPFILE prstat -n 1,10 -Z 1 2 | grep -v "^Total" | tail -${NUMZONES} | grep -v "global" | \ while read ID PROC SWAP RSS MEM TIME CPU ZONE do ALERT_TAG="" MEMCAP=$(zonecfg -z $ZONE info capped-memory | grep physical | cut -d: -f2) SWAPCAP=$(zonecfg -z $ZONE info capped-memory | grep swap | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/]//g') MEMUSED=$(size_to_K $RSS) #Add the .005 to simulate rounding when we are going to be trunking. PCT_USEDG=$(echo "scale =3; ((${MEMUSED}*100/${GLOBMEM})+0.005)" | bc) PCT_USEDG=${PCT_USEDG%?} if [ -z $MEMCAP ] then MEMFREE=$MEMFREE_GLOBK PCT_USED=$PCT_USEDG CAP="n/a" MEMFREEL=$MEMFREE_GLOBK PCT_USED=$PCT_USEDG # No cap, we look at the total free. else # With a cap we need to compare total used to the cap MEML=$(size_to_K $MEMCAP) MEMFREEL=$(echo ${MEML}-${MEMUSED} | bc) MEMFREE=$MEMFREEL PCT_USED=$(echo "scale=3; (${MEMUSED}*100/${MEML})+0.005" | bc) #Add the .005 to simulate rounding when we are going to be trunking. PCT_USED=${PCT_USED%?} CAP="$MEMCAP" fi TOTMEMFREE=$(size_K_to_G $MEMFREE M) GSWAP=$(swap -s | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed "s/k$//g") if [ -z $SWAPCAP ] then SWAPCAP="n/a" TOTSWAPK=$GSWAP # No cap, we look at the total free. else TOTSWAPK=$(size_to_K $SWAPCAP) # With a cap we need to compare total used to the cap fi SWAPK=$(size_to_K $SWAP) PCTSWAP=$(echo "scale=3; (${SWAPK}*100/${TOTSWAPK})+0.005" | bc) PCTSWAP=${PCTSWAP%?} if [ "$ALERT_HIGH_SWAP" = "true" ] then [ $PCTSWAP -gt $SWAPYEL ] && ALERT_TAG="yellow" [ $PCTSWAP -gt $SWAPRED ] && ALERT_TAG="red" fi if [ "$ALERT_HIGH_MEM" = "true" ] then [ $PCT_USED -gt $MEMYEL -a "$ALERT_TAG" != "red" ] && ALERT_TAG="yellow" [ $PCT_USED -gt $MEMRED ] && ALERT_TAG="red" fi [ ! -z "$ALERT_TAG" -a "$COLOUR" != "red" ] && COLOUR=$ALERT_TAG [ ! -z "$ALERT_TAG" ] && ALERT_TAG="&$ALERT_TAG" echo "$ZONE $CAP ${PCT_USED}% ${TOTMEMFREE} $RSS ${PCT_USEDG}% | $SWAPCAP ${PCTSWAP}% $SWAP $ALERT_TAG" >> $TEMPFILE.mem done sort $TEMPFILE.mem >> $TEMPFILE $XYMON $XYMSRV "status $MACHINE.zmem $COLOUR $(cat $TEMPFILE)" $XYMON $XYMSRV "data $MACHINE.zmem $(echo; cat $TEMPFILE.mem | grep -v "Global " | awk '{ print $1":"$3 }' | sed 's/\%$//g'; echo; echo "Ignore this")" rm $TEMPFILE rm $TEMPFILE.mem </code> </hidden> ===== Known Bugs and Issues ===== This is pretty "rough and ready".\\ It hasn't been code reviewed, or even looked at by anybody else.\\ I can safely say, there are no **known** bugs. LOL \\ But, we all know the rules. Any useful program will contain at least one variable, one loop and one bug.\\ I know where to find the variables and the loops. \\ I leave finding the bug(s) as an exercise for the reader.\\ If you find any, please let me know. ===== To Do ===== Find that last unknown bug. ===== Credits ===== All my own work.\\ Nobody else to blame. ===== Changelog ===== * **2013-08-02** * Initial release monitors/zonemem.txt Last modified: 2013/08/02 05:50by vernon