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monitors:mssqlperfpack [2010/06/22 08:38] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== Microsoft SQL Server Performance Counter Pack ======
 +^ Author | [[ | Neil Franken]] |
 +^ Compatibility | Xymon 4.2+ |
 +^ Requirements | MSSQL Windows VBS|
 +^ Download | None |
 +^ Last Update | 2010-06-18 |
 +===== Description =====
 +This VBS Script uses the WMI Interface to read SQL related Performance Counters. These counters can be used by DBA's to establish a baseline for performance as well as provide a early indication of possible hardware upgrades such as the need for more memory etc. 
 +These are the performance counters that are monitored:
 +  * Buffer Cache Hit Ratio
 +  * Page Life Expectancy
 +  * Checkpoint Pages/Sec
 +  * Lazy Writes/Sec
 +  * Locks Timeouts/sec
 +  * Number of Deadlocks/sec
 +  * Page Splits/sec
 +  * Active Transactions
 +  * Transactions/sec
 +  * Logins/sec
 +  * Logout/sec
 +  * Active Temp Tables
 +  * Number of User Connections
 +  * Cursor Request/sec
 +This is not a complete list of counters but presents a good set for a baseline. However please keep checking back for updates as I enhance the script over time.
 +===== Installation =====
 +=== Client side ===
 +Place the script on the SQL Server you want to monitor and add a appropriate section to the BBWin.cfg externals section. 
 +Typically it would be configured like this.
 +<load value="cscript c:\VBSScripts\mssqlperfpack.vbs" timer="5m" />
 +Once this is added to the cfg file it should create a sql file in the tmp directory of BBwin for upload. If this is the case it is working.
 +=== Server side ===
 +While the Xymon server does not require any installation you can add the following to the hobbitserver.cfg to create a graph with some of the more important values on.
 +== 1) Adding NCV Definition to the hobbitserver.cfg file ==
 +  * Add sql=ncv to the TEST2RRD section of the hobbitserver.cfg file.
 +  * Add the following definition to the hobbitserver.cfg                                    
 +  * Restart Xymon 
 +== 2) Adding Graph Definition to the hobbitgraph.cfg file ==
 +  * Add the following to the file.
 +<hidden onHidden="Show Graph Definition ⇲" onVisible="Hide Graph Definition ⇱">
 +  [sql]
 +  TITLE SQL Server Performance And Health
 +  -u 1.0
 +  YAXIS Number
 +  DEF:BufferCacheHitRatio=sql.rrd:BufferCacheHitRatio:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:PageLifeExpectancy=sql.rrd:PageLifeExpectancy:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:CheckpointPagesSec=sql.rrd:CheckpointPagesSec:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:LazyWritesSec=sql.rrd:LazyWritesSec:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:LocksTimeoutssec=sql.rrd:LocksTimeoutssec:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:NumberofDeadlocksse=sql.rrd:NumberofDeadlocksse:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:PageSplitssec=sql.rrd:PageSplitssec:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:ActiveTransactions=sql.rrd:ActiveTransactions:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:Transactionssec=sql.rrd:Transactionssec:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:ActiveTempTables=sql.rrd:ActiveTempTables:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:Loginssec=sql.rrd:Loginssec:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:Logoutsec=sql.rrd:Logoutsec:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:NumberofUserConnect=sql.rrd:NumberofUserConnect:AVERAGE
 +  DEF:CursorRequestsec=sql.rrd:CursorRequestsec:AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:BufferCacheHitRatiomax=BufferCacheHitRatio,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:BufferCacheHitRatioavg=BufferCacheHitRatio,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:BufferCacheHitRatiomin=BufferCacheHitRatio,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:BufferCacheHitRatiolast=BufferCacheHitRatio,LAST
 +  VDEF:PageLifeExpectancymax=PageLifeExpectancy,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:PageLifeExpectancyavg=PageLifeExpectancy,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:PageLifeExpectancymin=PageLifeExpectancy,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:PageLifeExpectancylast=PageLifeExpectancy,LAST
 +  VDEF:CheckpointPagesSecmax=CheckpointPagesSec,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:CheckpointPagesSecavg=CheckpointPagesSec,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:CheckpointPagesSecmin=CheckpointPagesSec,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:CheckpointPagesSeclast=CheckpointPagesSec,LAST
 +  VDEF:LazyWritesSecmax=LazyWritesSec,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:LazyWritesSecavg=LazyWritesSec,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:LazyWritesSecmin=LazyWritesSec,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:LazyWritesSeclast=LazyWritesSec,LAST
 +  VDEF:NumberofDeadlockssemax=NumberofDeadlocksse,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:NumberofDeadlocksseavg=NumberofDeadlocksse,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:NumberofDeadlockssemin=NumberofDeadlocksse,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:NumberofDeadlocksselast=NumberofDeadlocksse,LAST
 +  VDEF:LocksTimeoutssecmax=LocksTimeoutssec,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:LocksTimeoutssecavg=LocksTimeoutssec,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:LocksTimeoutssecmin=LocksTimeoutssec,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:LocksTimeoutsseclast=LocksTimeoutssec,LAST
 +  VDEF:NumberofDeadlockmax=NumberofDeadlocksse,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:NumberofDeadlockavg=NumberofDeadlocksse,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:NumberofDeadlockmin=NumberofDeadlocksse,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:NumberofDeadlocklast=NumberofDeadlocksse,LAST
 +  VDEF:PageSplitssecmax=PageSplitssec,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:PageSplitssecavg=PageSplitssec,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:PageSplitssecmin=PageSplitssec,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:PageSplitsseclast=PageSplitssec,LAST
 +  VDEF:ActiveTransactionsmax=ActiveTransactions,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:ActiveTransactionsavg=ActiveTransactions,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:ActiveTransactionsmin=ActiveTransactions,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:ActiveTransactionslast=ActiveTransactions,LAST
 +  VDEF:Transactionssecmax=Transactionssec,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:Transactionssecavg=Transactionssec,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:Transactionssecmin=Transactionssec,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:Transactionsseclast=Transactionssec,LAST
 +  VDEF:ActiveTempTablesmax=ActiveTempTables,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:ActiveTempTablesavg=ActiveTempTables,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:ActiveTempTablesmin=ActiveTempTables,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:ActiveTempTableslast=ActiveTempTables,LAST
 +  VDEF:Loginssecmax=Loginssec,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:Loginssecavg=Loginssec,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:Loginssecmin=Loginssec,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:Loginsseclast=Loginssec,LAST
 +  VDEF:Logoutsecmax=Logoutsec,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:Logoutsecavg=Logoutsec,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:Logoutsecmin=Logoutsec,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:Logoutseclast=Logoutsec,LAST
 +  VDEF:NumberofUserConnectmax=NumberofUserConnect,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:NumberofUserConnectavg=NumberofUserConnect,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:NumberofUserConnectmin=NumberofUserConnect,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:NumberofUserConnectlast=NumberofUserConnect,LAST
 +  VDEF:CursorRequestsecmax=CursorRequestsec,MAXIMUM
 +  VDEF:CursorRequestsecavg=CursorRequestsec,AVERAGE
 +  VDEF:CursorRequestsecmin=CursorRequestsec,MINIMUM
 +  VDEF:CursorRequestseclast=CursorRequestsec,LAST
 +  COMMENT:            
 +  COMMENT:\t\t\tMaximum  
 +  COMMENT:\tAverage 
 +  COMMENT:\tMinimum 
 +  COMMENT:\tCurrent \l
 +  LINE2:BufferCacheHitRatio#000000:Buffer Cache Hit Ratio 
 +  GPRINT:BufferCacheHitRatiomax:\t%6.2lf %S
 +  GPRINT:BufferCacheHitRatioavg:\t%6.2lf %S
 +  GPRINT:BufferCacheHitRatiomin:\t%6.2lf %S
 +  GPRINT:BufferCacheHitRatiolast:\t%6.2lf %S\l
 +  LINE2:LazyWritesSec#b527d4:Lazy Writes/Sec        
 +  GPRINT:LazyWritesSecmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:LazyWritesSecavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:LazyWritesSecmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:LazyWritesSeclast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  LINE2:NumberofDeadlocksse#ff6c00:Deadlocks/Sec          
 +  GPRINT:NumberofDeadlockmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:NumberofDeadlockavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:NumberofDeadlockmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:NumberofDeadlocklast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  LINE2:ActiveTransactions#12ff00:Active Transactions    
 +  GPRINT:ActiveTransactionsmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:ActiveTransactionsavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:ActiveTransactionsmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:ActiveTransactionslast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  LINE2:ActiveTempTables#0000e9:Active Temp Tables     
 +  GPRINT:ActiveTempTablesmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:ActiveTempTablesavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:ActiveTempTablesmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:ActiveTempTableslast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  LINE2:NumberofUserConnect#ff0000:Users Connected        
 +  GPRINT:NumberofUserConnectmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:NumberofUserConnectavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:NumberofUserConnectmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:NumberofUserConnectlast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  #LINE2:PageLifeExpectancy#b527d4:Page Life Expectancy   
 +  COMMENT:Data Not On Graph\l
 +  COMMENT:Page Life Expectancy     
 +  GPRINT:PageLifeExpectancymax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:PageLifeExpectancyavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:PageLifeExpectancymin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:PageLifeExpectancylast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  #LINE2:Transactionssec#1ebdf8:Transactions/Sec       
 +  COMMENT:Transactions/Sec         
 +  GPRINT:Transactionssecmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Transactionssecavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Transactionssecmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Transactionsseclast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  #LINE2:LocksTimeoutssec#00FF66:Lock Timeout/Sec       
 +  COMMENT:Lock Timeout/Sec         
 +  GPRINT:LocksTimeoutssecmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:LocksTimeoutssecavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:LocksTimeoutssecmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:LocksTimeoutsseclast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  #LINE2:CheckpointPagesSec#1ebdf8:Checkpoint Pages/Sec   
 +  COMMENT:Checkpoint Pages/Sec     
 +  GPRINT:CheckpointPagesSecmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:CheckpointPagesSecavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:CheckpointPagesSecmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:CheckpointPagesSeclast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  #LINE2:PageSplitssec#00ffd2:Page Splits/Sec        
 +  COMMENT:Page Splits/Sec          
 +  GPRINT:PageSplitssecmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:PageSplitssecavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:PageSplitssecmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:PageSplitsseclast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  #LINE2:Loginssec#0060ff:Login/Sec
 +  COMMENT:Logins/Sec               
 +  GPRINT:Loginssecmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Loginssecavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Loginssecmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Loginsseclast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  #LINE2:Logoutsec#a1b4d4:Logouts/Sec            
 +  COMMENT:Logout/Sec               
 +  GPRINT:Logoutsecmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Logoutsecavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Logoutsecmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:Logoutseclast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +  #LINE2:CursorRequestsec#4aa2f3:Cursor Request/Sec     
 +  COMMENT:Cursor Request/Sec       
 +  GPRINT:CursorRequestsecmax:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:CursorRequestsecavg:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:CursorRequestsecmin:\t%6.0lf %S
 +  GPRINT:CursorRequestseclast:\t%6.0lf %S\l
 +You should now see the graph after a couple of minutes of collecting data.
 +===== Source =====
 +==== mssqlperfpack.vbs====
 +<hidden onHidden="Show Code ⇲" onVisible="Hide Code ⇱">
 +' SQL DBA Performance Pack Script Beta.
 +' Author: Neil Franken
 +' email:
 +' Description: 
 +' This script collects some SQL related performance counters. It is based and inspired by the 
 +' bbsql-server script that was written 03/2002 by Jason Benassi and modified by Bart Gillis.
 +' The information is used to get a perfomance baseline and monitor over time what performance 
 +' tweaks can be made to your SQL server. It will be updated and become more comprehensive over time
 +' so please check in every once in a while for a update.
 +' You are welcome to use, modify, mangle and do what you please with this script just please
 +' keep me in the loop about bugs,updates and or improvements.
 +' Before running this script please do the following. Open a command prompt on the SQL server where the script
 +' runs. Run the following command wmiadap/f.
 +' Open the services manager screen and restart/start the WMI performance adapter service. This service must be running
 +' to read the performance counters via the WMI interface.
 +' I encountered a problem where the CPU was 64 Bit but the installed OS was 32Bit. This caused the registry read to fail.
 +' If you have a 32 Bit OS running on a 64 bit system yuo will have to change the script to point to the BBWin\tmp folder 
 +' as the script will attempt to read the value from a registry key that dont exist. Also comment out the ProcessorCheck function.
 +' Version 0.5 Released: 18/06/2010
 +strAlarmState = "green"
 +strTestName = "sql" 'this Is the filename i.e. column name in xymon.
 +strOutput = ""
 +Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 +Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 +If Proc = "x86" Then
 +           extPath = "c:\"
 + extPath = ws.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BBWin\tmppath") 'Registry key that stores the ext script path on 32bit Architecture
 +' WScript.Echo Proc
 +           extPath = "c:\"  
 + extPath = ws.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BBWin\tmppath") 'Registry key that stores the ext script path on 64bit Architecture
 +' WScript.Echo Proc
 +End If
 +' Usage of the CheckValue,CheckReserveValue Functions:
 +' CheckValue takes the Performance Counter value,a description which appears on Xymon,the warning value and the Alarm value and does a check for values above the warn and alarm thresholds.
 +' CheckReverseValue takes the Performance Counter value,a description which appears on Xymon,the warning value and the Alarm value and does a check for values below the warn and alarm thresholds.
 +' Usage of the GetWMPercent and GetWMIValue functions:
 +' Both these functions takes the following parameters
 +' 1) The WMI Class Name i.e. Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBuffermanager this is a collection of performance counter instances related to the class.
 +' 2) Instance for the peformance counter. Some performance counters can be specific to a instance i.e. we could have performance counters
 +     For the masterdb, the pubs db and so on. If you want to monitor a specific database you can do so by specifying the name. If you want 
 +'    to monitor the entire server use the _Total instance. Other performance counters are spcific to the entire install such as Buffercachehitratio
 +'    and you have to specify the @ for these to work. If you need some clarification use windows performance monitor to see the instance names for a counter
 +'    if they are available.
 +' 3) The actuall counter name you want to get for the instance specified in parameter 2.
 +' The GetWMPercent function has a additional paramater called strBaseObject this is used in the calculations to get the percentage value for the counter.
 +'Handy List Of SQL Performance Counter Classes.
 +' SQL Server Test starts here
 +strOutput = strOutput & vbCrLf & "SQL Server Information:" & vbCrLf
 +'Buffer Cache Hit Ration
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckReverseValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager","@","Buffercachehitratio"),"Buffer Cache Hit Ratio",90,85)
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckReverseValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBuffermanager","@","Pagelifeexpectancy"),"Page Life Expectancy",10, 2)
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBuffermanager","@","CheckpointpagesPersec"),"Checkpoint Pages/Sec",100, 200)
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBuffermanager","@","LazywritesPersec"),"Lazy Writes/Sec",100, 200)
 +'Lock Information
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerLocks.Name","""_Total""","LockTimeoutsPersec"),"Locks Timeouts/sec",50, 100)
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerLocks.Name","""_Total""","NumberofDeadlocksPersec"),"Number of Deadlocks/sec",2, 5)
 +'Page Splits Per second
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerAccessMethods","@","PageSplitsPersec"),"Page Splits/sec",100, 300)
 +'SQL Server Databases
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabases.Name","""_Total""","ActiveTransactions"),"Active Transactions",1000, 3000)
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerDatabases.Name","""_Total""","TransactionsPersec"),"Transactions/sec",1000, 5000)
 +'SQL General Statistics
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatistics","@","LoginsPersec"),"Logins/sec",100, 300)
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatistics","@","LogoutsPersec"),"Logout/sec",100, 300)
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatistics","@","ActiveTempTables"),"Active Temp Tables",500, 1500)
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerGeneralStatistics","@","UserConnections"),"Number of User Connections",100, 200)
 +'SQL Cursor Information
 +strOutput = strOutput & CheckValue(GetWMIValue("Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerCursorManagerbyType.Name","""_Total""","CursorRequestsPersec"),"Cursor Request/sec",500, 1500)
 +' Write the file for BB
 +WriteFile extPath, strTestName, strAlarmState, strOutput
 +' FUNCTIONS and SUBS start here
 +Sub ProcessorCheck ()
 + Dim  WshShell, WshSysEnv
 + Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 + Set WshSysEnv = WshShell.Environment("SYSTEM")
 +End Sub
 +' This is used to get a percentage value from WMI. It requires the value and the base objects.
 +' It then returns the percentage
 +Function GetWMIPercent(strCollection,strInstance,strObject,strBaseObject)
 + Set counterCollection = GetObject("winmgmts:" & strCollection & "=" & strInstance)
 + For Each cntproperty In counterCollection.properties_
 + If = strObject Then
 + iObjectValue = CDbl(cntproperty)
 + ElseIf = strBaseObject Then
 + iObjectBaseValue =CDbl(cntproperty)
 + End If
 + Next
 + If iObjectBaseValue = 0 Then
 + GetWMIPercent = "N/A"
 + Else
 + GetWMIPercent = Round(CDbl(iObjectValue) / CDbl(iObjectBaseValue) * CDbl(100),0)
 + End If
 +End Function
 +' This is used to pull a value from WMI.
 +Function GetWMIValue(strCollection,strInstance,strObject)
 + Set counterCollection = GetObject("winmgmts:" & strCollection & "=" & strInstance)
 + For Each cntproperty In counterCollection.properties_
 + If = strObject Then
 + iObjectValue = CDbl(cntproperty)
 + End If
 + Next
 + GetWMIValue = CDbl(iObjectValue)
 +End Function
 +' This is used to check the actual value against the warning and alarm.
 +Function CheckValue(iObjectValue,strObjectDesc,iWarnValue,iAlarmValue)
 + If iWarnValue > iAlarmValue Then
 + CheckValue = "&red" & " " & strObjectDesc & ":" & vbTab & "Object is Misconfigured"
 + If strAlarmState <> "red" Then
 + strAlarmState = "red"
 + End If
 + Else
 + If CDbl(iObjectValue) > CDbl(iWarnValue) Then
 + If  CDbl(iObjectValue) >  CDbl(iAlarmValue) Then
 + CheckValue = "&red" & " " & strObjectDesc & ":" & vbTab & iObjectValue & vbCrLf
 + SetAlarmStatus "red"
 + Else
 + CheckValue = "&yellow" & " " & strObjectDesc & ":" & vbTab & iObjectValue & vbCrLf
 + 'CheckValue = "&yellow" &  strObjectDesc &  vbTab & iObjectValue & vbCrLf
 + SetAlarmStatus "yellow"
 + End If
 + Else
 + CheckValue = "&green" & " " & strObjectDesc & ":" & vbTab & iObjectValue & vbCrLf
 + 'CheckValue = "&green"  & strObjectDesc & vbTab & iObjectValue & vbCrLf
 + End If
 + End If
 +End Function
 +Function ShowDriveList
 + Dim fso, d, dc, s, n
 + Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 + Set dc = fso.Drives
 + For Each d In dc
 + n = ""
 + s = s & d.DriveLetter & " - "
 + If d.DriveType = 3 Then
 + n = d.ShareName
 + ElseIf d.IsReady Then
 + n = d.VolumeName
 + Else
 + n = "[Drive not ready]"
 + End If
 + s = s & n & "<BR>"
 + Next
 + ShowDriveList = s
 +End Function
 +' This is used to check the actual value against the warning and alarm.
 +' This one the alarm will be a lower value than the warning. (Values Decrease rather than increase)
 +Function CheckReverseValue(iObjectValue,strObjectDesc,iWarnValue,iAlarmValue)
 + If  CDbl(iWarnValue) <  CDbl(iAlarmValue) Then
 + CheckReverseValue = "&red" & " " & strObjectDesc & ":" & vbTab & "Object is Misconfigured"
 + If strAlarmState <> "red" Then
 + strAlarmState = "red"
 + End If
 + Else
 + If  CDbl(iObjectValue) <  CDbl(iWarnValue) Then
 + If  CDbl(iObjectValue) <  CDbl(iAlarmValue) Then
 + CheckReverseValue = "&red" & " " & strObjectDesc & ":" & vbTab & iObjectValue & vbCrLf
 + SetAlarmStatus "red"
 + Else
 + CheckReverseValue = "&yellow" & " " & strObjectDesc & ":" & vbTab & iObjectValue & vbCrLf
 + SetAlarmStatus "yellow"
 + End If
 + Else
 + CheckReverseValue = "&green" & " " & strObjectDesc & ":" & vbTab & iObjectValue & vbCrLf
 + End If
 + End If
 +End Function
 +' This is called to set the overall alarm status.
 +Sub SetAlarmStatus(strnewAlarmState)
 + If strnewAlarmState = "red" Then
 + strAlarmState = strnewAlarmState
 + ElseIf strnewAlarmState = "yellow" Then
 + If strAlarmState <> "red" Then
 + strAlarmState = strnewAlarmState
 + End If
 + End If
 +End Sub
 +' This SUB is used for outputting the file to the external's directory in bb
 +Sub WriteFile(strExtPath, strTestName, strAlarmState, strOutput)
 + Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 + strOutput = strAlarmState & " " & Date & " " & Time & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & strOutput & vbCrLf
 + Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(strExtPath & "\" & strTestName , 8 , True)
 + f.Write strOutput
 + f.Close
 + Set fso = Nothing
 +End Sub
 +===== Known  Bugs and Issues =====
 +Two issues that can potentially cause problems:
 +  * Running a 32 Bit Windows on a 64 Bit CPU(It happens apparently). This causes the script to look for the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BBWin\tmppath registry key. This does not exist in a 32 windows version and the script will bomb. To fix comment out the Processor check and hard code(yuck) the bath to the BBwin\tmp folder.
 +  *  When running the script it throws a null exception which looks something like C:\Program Files (x86)\BBWin\ext\SQLNewWay.vbs(103, 2) (null). To fix this problem open a command prompt and execute the following command wmiadap/f. Open the administrative tools under control panel and run the windows services manager. Right at the bottom of the list there is a WMI Performance Adapter service. Restart the service if started, if the service is not running please start it.
 +  * SQL 2008 There seems to be a problem with some of the counter specifically Buffercachehitratio. This was fixed in the release on 2010-06-21
 +===== To Do =====
 +Well this pack can be more comprehensive. In this inital release I hope to spark some debate under the DBA's on the list. My goal is to have a performance pack to help in identifying performance related issues and also provide us with information to provide to the accountants when we need more hardware.
 +===== Credits =====
 +I borrowed some code from:
 +Bart Gillis
 +Jason Benassi
 +Most of the other stuff
 +Neil Franken 
 +As special thanks to Walter Van Loon for being brave enough to step up and test the script with his DBA's.
 +===== Changelog =====
 +  * **2010-06-18**
 +    * Initial release
 +  * **2010-06-21**
 +    * Updated the code to work with SQL 2008 Instances as well. 
 +    * Using Win32_PerfFormattedData_MSSQLSERVER_SQLServerBufferManager class to read values.
 +    * Code contributed by Walter Van Loon.
  • monitors/mssqlperfpack.txt
  • Last modified: 2010/06/22 08:38
  • by