====== Postfix mail queue monitoring ====== ^ Author | [[doctor@makelofine.org| Damien Martins ]] | | ^ Compatibility | Xymon 4.2.3 - Postfix 2.5.5-1.1 (Debian package), 2.0.18 (Fedora Core 2 package) || ^ Requirements | Postfix, unix, shell | | ^ Download | Part of https://github.com/doktoil-makresh/xymon-plugins.git | | ^ Last Update | 2010-04-15 | | ===== Description ===== Postfix mailqueue monitoring. Alerts when the queue is increasing very fast, or when above the defined thresolds, and not decreasing fast enough. ===== Installation ===== === Client side === Copy bb-postfix.sh in hobboit/xymon ext directory (usually in HOBBITCLIENTHOME/ext) Xymon user needs to access Postfix's spool directories. Add the following lines to HOBBITCLIENTHOME/etc/clientlaunch.cfg : [postfix] #DISABLED ENVFILE $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/etc/hobbitclient.cfg CMD $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/ext/postfix.sh LOGFILE $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/logs/postfix.log INTERVAL 5m === Server side === Add the "postfix" tag for appropriated hosts in HOBBITSERVERHOME/etc/bb-hosts, for example : toto # postfix To graph the vaues, follow the usual procedure : In hobbitserver.cfg, add postfix to TEST2RRD and GRAPHS definitions and add : SPLITNCV_postfix="*:GAUGE" In hobbitgraph.cfg, add the following : [postfix] FNPATTERN postfix,(.*).rrd TITLE Postfix statistics YAXIS Mail(s) DEF:p@RRDIDX@=@RRDFN@:lambda:AVERAGE LINE2:p@RRDIDX@#@COLOR@:@RRDPARAM@ GPRINT:p@RRDIDX@:LAST: \: %8.1lf (cur) GPRINT:p@RRDIDX@:MAX: \: %8.1lf (max) GPRINT:p@RRDIDX@:MIN: \: %8.1lf (min) GPRINT:p@RRDIDX@:AVERAGE: \: %8.1lf (avg)\n ===== Source ===== ==== postfix.sh ==== #!/bin/sh #for solaris: #!/bin/ksh # This program is under the GPL, blah blah, go look at www.fsf.org # # # Simple Postfix spool watcher plugin for big brother (testet with 18b3) # Just copy this script on the mailhost running postfix to # $BBHOME/ext # and change in the file $BBHOME/etc/bbdefs.sh the variable # BBEXT from "" to " postfix.sh" # Perhaps you have something to change below. # # have a great time, # Philip Poten # (mail me with your suggestions/bugfixes/whatever) # #History : # 12 aug 2002 - Philip Poten # v0.1 -Initial version # 15 apr 2010 - Damien Martins # v0.2 -Major code optimizations # -Use of absolute value for increasing/decreasing queue # # TODO for v1.0 : # -Use of postfix commands instead of scanning directories SPOOLDIR="/var/spool/postfix" # usually there. #MACHINE="set if not started by BB" ACTIVEWARN="100" # this is the number of allowed mails queued before warn/alert ACTIVEALERT="200" BOUNCEWARN="100" BOUNCEALERT="200" DEFERWARN="100" DEFERALERT="200" CORRUPTWARN="100" CORRUPTALERT="200" INCOMINGWARN="100" INCOMINGALERT="200" BBPROG=postfix; export BBPROG TEST="postfix" ##### don't change anything below this line ##### if test "$BBHOME" = "" then echo "BBHOME is not set... exiting" exit 1 fi if test ! "$BBTMP" # GET DEFINITIONS IF NEEDED then echo "*** LOADING BBDEF ***" . $BBHOME/etc/bbdef.sh # INCLUDE STANDARD DEFINITIONS fi OLDACTIVE=$(cat $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.ACTIVE.old) OLDBOUNCE=$(cat $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.BOUNCE.old) OLDDEFER=$(cat $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.DEFER.old) OLDCORRUPT=$(cat $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.CORRUPT.old) OLDINCOMING=$(cat $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.INCOMING.old) if [ ! $OLDACTIVE ]; then OLDACTIVE=1; fi if [ ! $OLDBOUNCE ]; then OLDBOUNCE=1; fi if [ ! $OLDDEFER ]; then OLDDEFER=1; fi if [ ! $OLDCORRUPT ]; then OLDCORRUPT=1; fi if [ ! $OLDINCOMING ]; then OLDINCOMING=1; fi ACTIVE=$(find $SPOOLDIR/active/ -type f -mindepth 1 | wc -l) #ACTIVE=`ls -lR $SPOOLDIR/active/* |egrep -v "(total|:$|^d|^$)"|wc -l|sed s/\ //g` BOUNCE=$(find $SPOOLDIR/bounce/ -type f -mindepth 1 | wc -l) #BOUNCE=`ls -lR $SPOOLDIR/bounce/* |egrep -v "(total|:$|^d|^$)"|wc -l|sed s/\ //g` DEFER=$(find $SPOOLDIR/defer/ -type f -mindepth 1 | wc -l) #DEFER=`ls -lR $SPOOLDIR/defer/* |egrep -v "(total|:$|^d|^$)"|wc -l|sed s/\ //g` CORRUPT=$(find $SPOOLDIR/corrupt/ -type f -mindepth 1 | wc -l) #CORRUPT=`ls -lR $SPOOLDIR/corrupt/* |egrep -v "(total|:$|^d|^$)"|wc -l|sed s/\ //g` INCOMING=$(find $SPOOLDIR/incoming/ -type f -mindepth 1 | wc -l) #INCOMING=`ls -lR $SPOOLDIR/incoming/* |egrep -v "(total|:$|^d|^$)"|wc -l|sed s/\ //g` echo $ACTIVE > $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.ACTIVE.old echo $BOUNCE > $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.BOUNCE.old echo $DEFER > $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.DEFER.old echo $CORRUPT > $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.CORRUPT.old echo $INCOMING > $BBTMP/$MACHINE.postfix.INCOMING.old let ACTIVETEND=$OLDACTIVE-$ACTIVE let BOUNCETEND=$OLDBOUNCE-$BOUNCE let DEFERTEND=$OLDDEFER-$DEFER let CORRUPTTEND=$OLDCORRUPT-$CORRUPT let INCOMINGTEND=$OLDINCOMING-$INCOMING RED="" YELLOW="" if [ $ACTIVE -gt $ACTIVEALERT ]; then ACTIVESTATUS="&red"; if [[ $RED = "" && $ACTIVETEND -gt 0 ]]; then RED=""; REASON="$REASON Active Queue is too high but is decreasing already.
" else RED=1; fi; elif [ $ACTIVE -gt $ACTIVEWARN ]; then ACTIVESTATUS="&yellow"; YELLOW=1; else ACTIVESTATUS="&green"; fi; if [ $BOUNCE -gt $BOUNCEALERT ]; then BOUNCESTATUS="&red"; if [[ $RED = "" && $BOUNCETEND -gt 0 ]]; then RED=""; REASON="$REASON Bounce Queue is too high but is decreasing already.
" else RED=1; fi; elif [ $BOUNCE -gt $BOUNCEWARN ]; then BOUNCESTATUS="&yellow"; YELLOW=1; else BOUNCESTATUS="&green"; fi; if [ $DEFER -gt $DEFERALERT ]; then DEFERSTATUS="&red"; if [[ $RED = "" && $DEFERTEND -gt 0 ]]; then RED=""; REASON="$REASON Deferred Queue is too high but is decreasing already.
" else RED=1; fi; elif [ $DEFER -gt $DEFERWARN ]; then DEFERSTATUS="&yellow"; YELLOW=1; else DEFERSTATUS="&green"; fi; if [ $CORRUPT -gt $CORRUPTALERT ]; then CORRUPTSTATUS="&red"; if [[ $RED = "" && $CORRUPTTEND -gt 0 ]]; then RED=""; REASON="$REASON Corrupt Queue is too high but is decreasing already.
" else RED=1; fi; elif [ $CORRUPT -gt $CORRUPTWARN ]; then CORRUPTSTATUS="&yellow"; YELLOW=1; else CORRUPTSTATUS="&green"; fi; if [ $INCOMING -gt $INCOMINGALERT ]; then INCOMINGSTATUS="&red"; if [[ $RED = "" && $INCOMINGTEND -gt 0 ]]; then RED=""; REASON="$REASON Incoming Queue is too high but is decreasing already.
" else RED=1; fi; elif [ $INCOMING -gt $INCOMINGWARN ]; then INCOMINGSTATUS="&yellow"; YELLOW=1; else INCOMINGSTATUS="&green"; fi; if [ $ACTIVETEND -lt 0 ]; then ACTIVETEND=${ACTIVETEND#-} ACTIVETEND="tendency rising with $ACTIVETEND mails." elif [ $ACTIVETEND -gt 0 ]; then ACTIVETEND="tendency falling with $ACTIVETEND mails." else ACTIVETEND="amount equal to last measure."; fi; if [ $BOUNCETEND -lt 0 ]; then BOUNCETEND=${BOUNCETEND#-} BOUNCETEND="tendency rising $BOUNCETEND mails." elif [ $BOUNCETEND -gt 0 ]; then BOUNCETEND="tendency falling with $BOUNCETEND mails." else BOUNCETEND="amount equal to last measure."; fi; if [ $DEFERTEND -lt 0 ]; then DEFERTEND=${DEFERTEND#-} DEFERTEND="tendency rising with $DEFERTEND mails." elif [ $DEFERTEND -gt 0 ]; then DEFERTEND="tendency falling with $DEFERTEND mails." else DEFERTEND="amount equal to last measure."; fi; if [ $CORRUPTTEND -lt 0 ]; then CORRUPTTEND=${CORRUPTTEND#-} CORRUPTTEND="tendency rising with $CORRUPTTEND mails" elif [ $CORRUPTTEND -gt 0 ]; then CORRUPTTEND="tendency falling with $CORRUPTTEND mails." else CORRUPTTEND="amount equal to last measure."; fi; if [ $INCOMINGTEND -lt 0 ]; then INCOMINGTEND=${INCOMINGTEND#-} INCOMINGTEND="tendency rising with $INCOMINGTEND mails." elif [ $INCOMINGTEND -gt 0 ]; then INCOMINGTEND="tendency falling with $INCOMINGTEND mails." else INCOMINGTEND="amount equal to last measure."; fi; if [ $RED ]; then COLOR="red"; elif [ $YELLOW ]; then COLOR="yellow"; else COLOR="green"; fi LINE="status $MACHINE.$TEST $COLOR $(date)


===== Known Bugs and Issues ===== None ===== To Do ===== Use of postfix commands instead of scanning directories ===== Credits ===== Reimplementation of [[http://www.deadcat.net/viewfile.php?fileid=387|deadcat's]] postfix.sh\\ ===== Changelog ===== * **2002-08-12** * Initial release. * **2010-04-15** * Major code optimizations. * Use of absolute value for increasing/decreasing queue.