Table of Contents


Author Richard Finegold
Compatibility Xymon or Big Brother
Requirements VBScript and BBWin and lsmon.exe on client
Download None
Last Update 2010-02-25


This reports (and optionally graphs) licenses used by Sentinel RMS (formerly known as SentinelLM). For example, SAP2000, spColumn and its predecessor PCAColumn, some versions of Eagle Point, old versions of Haestad Methods (pre-Bentley).


Client side

Server side

Show optional Graphing instructions ⇲

Hide optional Graphing instructions ⇱

  • Add the following to $BBHOME/etc/
            FNPATTERN lsmon.(.*).rrd
            TITLE SafeNet Utilization
            YAXIS Percent Used
            LINE1:in@RRDIDX@#@COLOR@:@RRDPARAM@ Percent
            GPRINT:in@RRDIDX@:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur)
            GPRINT:in@RRDIDX@:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max)
            GPRINT:in@RRDIDX@:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min)
            GPRINT:in@RRDIDX@:AVERAGE: \: %5.2lf (avg)\n
            FNPATTERN lsmon.(.*).rrd
            TITLE SafeNet Utilization
            YAXIS Used
            LINE1:in@RRDIDX@#@COLOR@:@RRDPARAM@ Used
            GPRINT:in@RRDIDX@:LAST: %3.1lf (cur)
            GPRINT:in@RRDIDX@:MAX: %3.1lf (max)
            GPRINT:in@RRDIDX@:MIN: %3.1lf (min)
            GPRINT:in@RRDIDX@:AVERAGE: %3.2lf (avg)\n
  • In $BBHOME/etc/hobbitserver.cfg, add the following to the existing TEST2RRD and GRAPHS lines:
  • In $BBHOME/etc/hobbitlaunch.cfg, in the [rrdstatus] section:
    • If it has –extra-tests and –extra-script, add ,lsmon to the –extra-tests parameter, and merge the following code with your –extra-script's script.
    • If it doesn't have –extra-tests or –extra-script, use the following script and add the following to the CMD:
      --extra-tests=lsmon --extra-script=$BBHOME/ext/
# Input parameters: Hostname, testname (column), and messagefile
if [ "$TESTNAME" = "lsmon" ]; then
#echo "$HOSTNAME $TESTNAME $FNAME" >> /tmp/extra-rrd-run.log
        #go with disk ordering: percent then used
        echo "DS:pct:GAUGE:600:0:100"
        echo "DS:used:GAUGE:600:0:U"
        sed -n '/Feature/p;/nreserved/p' $FNAME \
          | sed 's/.*: //;s/\"//g;s/ *$//' \
          | sed '$!N;$!N;$!N;s/\n/:/g'\
          | while read line; do
                #Not sure why, but on my machine there are hidden characters after feature name
                #feature here is name-version
                feature=`echo "$line" | sed 's/:[0-9]*:[0-9]*$//' | sed 's/[[:space:]]*:/-/'``
                used=`echo "$line" | sed 's/^[^:]*:[^:]*://;s/:.*//'`
                avail=`echo "$line" | sed 's/.*://'`
                total=$(( used + avail ))
                pct=$(( used * 100 / total ))
                echo "$TESTNAME.$feature.rrd"
                echo "$pct:$used"



Show Code ⇲

Hide Code ⇱

Option Explicit
const LSMONEXE="C:\Program Files\BBWin\ext\lsmon.exe"
Dim TimerStart : TimerStart = Timer
Dim FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim WSH : Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
const dbg=False
Phase 1
WSH.Run "cmd.exe /c echo . | """ & LSMONEXE & """ > lsmon.txt", 0, 1
Phase 2
With FSO.OpenTextFile("lsmon.txt", 1)
	Dim a : a = .ReadLine : a = Split(.ReadAll, vbCRLF)
End With
Phase 3
'These are filtering from the first part (overall license characteristics).
'Note that 8.x and 7.2 have a space in front of each line, 7.0 does not.
Dim i : for each i in Array("License type", " License Version" _
	, " Able to issue", " commuter licenses", "Additive/exclusive" _
	, " Application-server locking", "App-server locking" _
	, "Held licenses", "Soft limit on users" _
	, "License start", "Sharing limit")
	a = Filter(a, i, False)
for each i in Array(" locking code", " Local request")
	a = Filter(a, i, False)
Phase 4
'These are filtering from the details (each user token)
for each i in Array("Reserved tokens", "Reserved Tokens", "Available reserv" _
	, "X display name", ": DefaultGrp")
	a = Filter(a, i, False)
Phase 5
'This strips the last line
for each i in Array("Press Enter", "Hit Enter to continue")
	a = Filter(a, i, False)
Phase 6
'These change the output on a 7.0 lsmon.exe from combined lines to pure NCV
'And compensate for 7.2's tab
for i = 0 to UBound(a) - 1
	Dim n : n = Instr(a(i), "Feature version")
	If n > 5 Then
		a(i) = Left(a(i), n - 3) & vbCRLF & Mid(a(i), n)
		a(i) = Replace(a(i), vbTab & ":", vbTab & " :")
	End If
	n = Instr(a(i), "Available unreserved")
	If n > 5 Then
		a(i) = Left(a(i), n - 3) & vbCRLF & Mid(a(i), n)
		a(i) = Replace(a(i), vbTab & ":", vbTab & " :")
	End If
	n = Instr(a(i), "Feature name " & vbTab & vbTab)
	if n = 2 then
		a(i) = Replace(a(i), " :", ":")
	end if
Phase 7
'This concatenates the output, putting an <HR> between each feature
'Note that 8.x outputs "Feature name" at top, 7.x outputs "Commuter License Allowed"
a = Replace(Join(a, vbCRLF), vbCRLF & " ", vbCRLF)	'Strip space at 8.x's line beginning
a = Replace(a, vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Feature name  " _
	, vbCRLF & "<hr>" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Feature name  ")
a = Replace(a, vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Commuter License Allowed " _
	, vbCRLF & "<hr>" & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Commuter License Allowed ")
WriteStatus "lsmon", "green", "lsmon", a
'Write out the status; depends on FSO and WSH; will use TimerStart if available for duration
Sub WriteStatus(column, color, quickie, line)
'Why so long? Assume that client might collect file while writing, so make temp file and rename it.
	Dim FSO : Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
	Dim WSH : Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
	if WSH.Environment("SYSTEM")("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") <> "x86" then HKLMSoft = HKLMSoft & "\Wow6432Node"
	Const LEAKYMAX = 8500, BBWinreg = "\BBWin\tmpPath"
	Const Questreg = "\Quest Software\BigBrother\bbnt\ExternalPath\"
	'On error resume next
	'Assume that, if BBWin is installed, they're using it; if not then they're using Quest BB client.
	Dim colfn, src : colfn = "" : colfn = WSH.RegRead(HKLMSoft & BBWinreg) : src = "bbwin"
	If "" = colfn then : colfn = WSH.RegRead(HKLMSoft & Questreg) : src = "" : end if
	If "" = colfn then Exit Sub			'Abort if nothing in the registry for location.
	colfn = colfn & "\" & column			'Add the column name to make it a real colfile.
	Dim tmpfn : tmpfn = colfn & ".$$$"		'Temporary file; use temporary name for safety!
	If FSO.FileExists(tmpfn) Then WScript.Quit 183	'Bail out if already there (i.e. previous stuck)
	Phase "Status1"
	On Error Resume Next
	With FSO.CreateTextFile(tmpfn, True)
		if err then WScript.Quit err	'Bail out if unable to create file.
		if Len(line) > LEAKYMAX and src = "bbwin" then _
			.Write "status " & WSH.RegRead(HKLMSoft & "\BBWin\hostname") & "." & column & " "
		.WriteLine color & " " & WeekdayName(Weekday(Now),True) & " " _
			& Mid(Now,1,InStr(Now," ")-1) & " " & TimeValue(Now) _
			& " [" & WSH.Environment("Process")("COMPUTERNAME") & "] " & quickie
		.WriteLine line
		.Write "<center><small>" & WScript.ScriptName & " (modified " & CDate(CLng( _
		if not IsNull(TimerStart) then .Write "; run time " & Timer - TimerStart & "s"	'midnight bug
		.Write ")</small></center>"
	End With
	'Rename file so client will see it (taking care to remove any unprocessed file first)
	'Or send directly with bbwincmd.exe if over 8kB
	Phase "Status2"
	on error goto 0
'wscript.echo len(line)
	if Len(line) > LEAKYMAX and src = "bbwin" then
		Dim XML : Set XML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")	'Requires MSIE 5 or later
		If XML.Load(WSH.RegRead(HKLMSoft & "\BBWin\etcPath") & "\bbwin.cfg") then
			Phase "Status2XML"
			Dim x : for each x in XML.SelectNodes("//configuration/bbwin/setting[@name='bbdisplay']")
				WSH.Run "..\bin\bbwincmd.exe " & x.Attributes.GetNamedItem("value").Value _
					& " uploadmessage """ & tmpfn & """", 1, True
			WScript.Echo "Error parsing " & WSH.RegRead(HKLMSoft & "\BBWin\etcPath") & "\bbwin.cfg"
		End If
		FSO.DeleteFile tmpfn
		if FSO.FileExists(colfn) then FSO.DeleteFile(colfn)
		FSO.MoveFile tmpfn, colfn
	end if
End Sub
'If the script gets stuck, we can use Process Explorer to examine its environment
Sub Phase(n)
	if dbg then wscript.echo n
	CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("Process")("P-" & WScript.ScriptName) = n
End Sub

Known Bugs and Issues

To Do

