#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# #
# Program: library.pl #
# Author: Jerald Sheets #
# Initial Version: 0.98 #
# Changelog: 01/04/10 Initial Release #
# #
# #
# Purpose: This perl script is meant to run on a pair of StorNext MDC servers. It #
# does a couple things. First, it checks how many fsstate prcesses are #
# running, and sets the status to yellow for 3 or 4 and red for 5 or more. #
# Generally speaking, if you have this many fsstate processes running, it #
# could be that Stornext is hung, and you need to have a look. Next, it #
# runs fsstate and looks for how many drives are in one of three specific #
# states (IN USE, FREE, or DELAYED) and counts those up. Then, it outputs #
# The amount in NCV format for use in Xymon. Finally, by setting up the #
# Xymon server to do so, it will graph the number of tapes in a particular #
# state and provide averages over time. #
# #
# #
# Deployment: Take the library.pl script, and place it into $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/ext #
# In the $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/etc/clientlaunch.cfg place the following at #
# the end of the file: #
# #
# # MDC Fsstate Data Collector. This is a test module to report #
# # the current state of the libraries and the fsstate command. #
# [fsstate] #
# ENVFILE $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/etc/hobbitclient.cfg #
# CMD $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/ext/library.pl #
# LOGFILE $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/logs/library.log #
# #
# Once you have done this, do the following on your Xymon Server: #
# #
# At the end of your $HOBBITSERVERHOME/etc/hobbitserver.cfg file, #
# add the following at the end of your "TEST2RRD" line: #
# #
# library=ncv #
# #
# Next, add the following lines immediately below the "TEST2RRD" #
# line. #
# #
# # This defines the custom graphs specified in the above TEST2RRD section #
# NCV_library="Active:GAUGE,Free:GAUGE,Delayed:GAUGE" #
# #
# In the "GRAPHS" line in the same file, place "library" at the end #
# of the other entries. #
# #
# Finally, define the graphs for these values in the Xymon graphs #
# configuration $HOBBITSERVERHOME/etc/hobbitgraph.cfg like so: #
# #
# # MDC Controller Drive Status Graphs #
# [library] #
# TITLE Library Drive Utilization #
# YAXIS Number of Drives #
# DEF:active=library.rrd:Active:AVERAGE #
# DEF:free=library.rrd:Free:AVERAGE #
# DEF:delayed=library.rrd:Delayed:AVERAGE #
# LINE2:active#00CCCC:Active Drives #
# LINE2:free#09801D:Free Drives #
# LINE2:delayed#FF0000:Delayed Drives #
# COMMENT:\n #
# GPRINT:active:LAST:Active Drives \: %5.1lf%s (cur) #
# GPRINT:active:MAX: \: %5.1lf%s (max) #
# GPRINT:active:MIN: \: %5.1lf%s (min) #
# GPRINT:active:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf%s (avg)\n #
# GPRINT:free:LAST:Free Drives \: %5.1lf%s (cur) #
# GPRINT:free:MAX: \: %5.1lf%s (max) #
# GPRINT:free:MIN: \: %5.1lf%s (min) #
# GPRINT:free:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf%s (avg)\n #
# GPRINT:delayed:LAST:Delayed Drives \: %5.1lf%s (cur) #
# GPRINT:delayed:MAX: \: %5.1lf%s (max) #
# GPRINT:delayed:MIN: \: %5.1lf%s (min) #
# GPRINT:delayed:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf%s (avg)\n #
# #
# If all goes well, you will get a library column on your MDC servers. It #
# will display the Active, Free, and Delayed tape drives and will graph each #
# one. #
# #
use strict;
# My variables and commands
my($DEBUG) = "0";
my($inuse) = `/usr/adic/TSM/bin/fsstate |grep "IN USE"|wc -l`;
my($free) = `/usr/adic/TSM/bin/fsstate |grep "FREE"|wc -l`;
my($delayed) = `/usr/adic/TSM/bin/fsstate |grep "DELAYED"|wc -l`;
my($masterFile) = '/usr/adic/install/.active_snfs_server';
my($isMaster) = "";
# Xymon Variables
$ENV{BBPROG} = "library.pl";
my($TESTNAME) = "library";
my($BB) = $ENV{BB};
my($DATE) = localtime;
my($COLOR) = "clear";
my($MSG) = "";
my($HEAD) = "";
my($DATA) = "";
# Invoke debug routine if flag is set above
if ($DEBUG == 1){
$BBHOME |= "/tmp";
$BB = "/bin/echo";
$BBDISP |= "";
$BBVAR |= "/tmp";
$MACHINE |= "test.host.cvf";
# Fsstate Processes - sanity check
my($FSCMD) = `/bin/ps -ef |grep fsstate |grep -v grep |wc -l`;
if($FSCMD > 5){
$HEAD = "MDC Fsstate Critical.\n";
$MSG = "More than 5 fsstate processes detected. MDC possibly hung.\n";
}elsif(($FSCMD == 3) || ($FSCMD == 4)){
$HEAD = "MDC Fsstate Cautionary.\n";
$MSG = "Fsstate instances rising. Now 3 or 4 are active.\n";
# Figure out if you're the master server or not
# If you are the master server, set the variable. If not, update Xymon that "all is clear"
if($isMaster eq "yes"){
# If you're here, you're not the master. Set "clear" as the variable, and then send it on to the server, exiting normally.
exit 0;
## Subroutines ##
# Determines if system is the master MDC Controller
sub isMaster {
if(-e $masterFile){
$isMaster = "yes";
$isMaster = "no";
# Parses the output of "fsstate" and presents it to Xymon as appropriate values in NCV format
sub getStats {
my($ACTIVE) = "$inuse";
my($OPEN) = "$free";
my($WAIT) = "$delayed";
head("Fsstate OK");
msg("&green MDC Fsstate Normal");
$DATA = "
# In the event this is not the master server, this empties the variables and sends a "clear" to
# the server for this host, preventing purple (no data) being sent to the server for this host.
# All other statuses here simply set the color when called.
sub sendClear {
$MSG = $DATA = $HEAD = '';
$COLOR = 'clear';
sub sendRed {
$COLOR = 'red';
sub sendYellow {
$COLOR = 'yellow';
sub sendGreen {
$COLOR = 'green';
# This runs the local bb instance and sends the report with all the values necessary to set
# the Xymon server in the appropriate status
sub sendReport {
$MACHINE =~ s/\./,/g;
my($cmd) = "$BB $BBDISP \"status $MACHINE.$TESTNAME $COLOR $DATE $HEAD\n$DATA\n$MSG\"";
# Format the header
sub head
$HEAD = "@_";
# Clean up messaging a bit
sub msg
$MSG .= join("\n", @_) . "\n";