====== Clearcase License client module for Xymon Monitor ====== ^ Author | [[ michael.nemeth@lmco.com| Michael Nemeth ]] | ^ Compatibility | Xymon 4.2 | ^ Requirements | clearcase | ^ Download | None | ^ Last Update | 2008-06-22 | ===== Description ===== Monitor and graphs clearcase licenses. Will turn red or yellow base on percent used set the below in the script. CCred=95 CCyellow=90 ===== Installation ===== I run this on the server side to a pseudo host \\ licenses # === Client side === But if you chose to do client side. \\ Not tested: \\ Put the script ~hobbit/client/ext/ccl.sh In the file: \\ ~hobbit/client/etc/clientlaunch.cfg \\ Added [ccl] ENVFILE $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/etc/hobbitclient.cfg CMD $HOBBITCLIENTHOME/ext/ccl.sh INTERVAL 5m Also the pseudo host MAY work on the client side but Ive not tested. \\ You may want to do the following:(was working ok on server side) \\ change varible references of licenses to ${MACHINE} \\ That is: OUTFILE1="$BBTMP/ccl.licenses" to OUTFILE1="$BBTMP/ccl.${MACHINE}" \\ if you do not want to use a psuedo host ( licenses) === Server side === ~hobbit/server/etc/hobbitlaunch.cfg Add [ccl] ENVFILE PATHTO/etc/hobbitlaunch.cfg CMD $BBHOME/ext/ccl.sh INTERVAL 5m where PATHTO is replaced with something like /home/nemeth/hobbit/server. Two lines are changed in the configuration file hobbitserver.cfg: TEST2RRD="cpu=la,disk, ... ,lines,ccl=ncv" GRAPHS="la,disk, ... ,lines,ccl" and ADD: NCV_ccl="*:GAUGE" You may want to create a a psuedo host licenses # in the bb-hosts file or change varible references of licenses to ${MACHINE} That is: OUTFILE1="$BBTMP/ccl.licenses" to OUTFILE1="$BBTMP/ccl.${MACHINE}" Add into the configuration file hobbitgraph.cfg. This should preferably be inserted at the end. [ccl] TITLE clearcase licenses YAXIS # DEF:CA=ccl.rrd:Currentactiveusers:AVERAGE LINE2:CA#FF0000:Current activeusers COMMENT:\n GPRINT:CA:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur) GPRINT:CA:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max) GPRINT:CA:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min) GPRINT:CA:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n DEF:MA=ccl.rrd:Maximumactiveusersa:AVERAGE LINE2:MA#CC3333:Maximum Active Users COMMENT:\n GPRINT:MA:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur) GPRINT:MA:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max) GPRINT:MA:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min) GPRINT:MA:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n DEF:AA=ccl.rrd:Availablelicenses:AVERAGE LINE2:AA#00CCCC:Available licenses COMMENT:\n GPRINT:AA:LAST: \: %5.1lf (cur) GPRINT:AA:MAX: \: %5.1lf (max) GPRINT:AA:MIN: \: %5.1lf (min) GPRINT:AA:AVERAGE: \: %5.1lf (avg)\n You may want to drop either the Currentactiveusers or Availablelicenses section, but I like having the Maximumactiveusersa as a "ceiling line" ===== Source ===== ==== ccl.sh ==== #!/bin/ksh -p COLUMN=ccl # COLOR defaults to green COLOR=GREEN CCred=95 CCyellow=90 # You may want to: change varible references of licenses to ${MACHINE} #That is: OUTFILE1="$BBTMP/ccl.licenses" to OUTFILE1="$BBTMP/ccl.${MACHINE}" # if you do not want to use a psuedo host ( licenses) OUTFILE1="$BBTMP/ccl2.licenses" touch $OUTFILE1 cclfile="$BBTMP/ccl.licenses" CClicense=/usr/atria/bin/clearlicense $CClicense | sed -n '/ClearCase/,/Available licenses/p' > $cclfile $CClicense | sed -n '/License Usage Statistics/,/active users bumped by preferred user/p' | head -4 >> $cclfile Max_User=`$CClicense | sed -n '/Max-Users/{n;p;q;}' | awk '{print $1}' ` Current_Users=`$CClicense | sed -n '/Current active users:/{p;q;}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'` PCusered=`expr $Current_Users \* 100 \/ $Max_User` if [ $PCusered -gt $CCyellow ]; then COLOR=yellow echo " Clearcase licensence exceed yellow limit of $CCyellow " > $OUTFILE1 else COLOR=green fi if [ $PCusered -gt $CCred ]; then COLOR=red echo " Clearcase licensence exceed red limit of $CCred " > $OUTFILE1 else COLOR=$COLOR fi # Tell Xymon about it $BB $BBDISP "status licenses.ccl $COLOR `date` `echo` `echo "Clearcase\n"` `echo "Max-User:\n"` `echo ${Max_User}` `echo "%Used:\n"` `echo ${PCusered}` `echo` `cat ${OUTFILE1}` `echo` `cat ${cclfile}` " rm $cclfile rm $OUTFILE1 exit 0 ===== Known Bugs and Issues ===== I don't what happens if the clearlicense command cann't contact the license server. ===== To Do ===== Figure out what happens if the clearlicense command can't contact the license server Turn red if the license server down. Clean up the script. Found out I can get info on our two product separately (clearcase and multisite) this would make the parsing easier. ===== Credits ===== * Original recipe at: http://www.hswn.dk/hobbit/help/howtograph.html * The Xymon User mailing list. Particularly Anna Jonna Armannsdottir * And Henrik of course !!!!!! ===== Changelog ===== * **2008-06-30** * Initial release