====== sip.sh ====== ^ Author | [[ etmsys@rit.edu | Eric Meddaugh ]] | ^ Compatibility | Xymon 4.2 | ^ Requirements | Perl | ^ Download | None | ^ Last Update | 2008-09-11 | ===== Description ===== Monitor SIP on an Asterisk server. Needs access to UDP port 5060. ===== Installation ===== === Client configuration === None. === Server configuration === Add following to the hobbitlaunch.cfg file [sip] ENVFILE /home/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg NEEDS hobbitd CMD $BBHOME/ext/sip.sh LOGFILE $BBSERVERLOGS/sip.log INTERVAL 1m Add the "sip" tag in bb-hosts ===== Source ===== ==== Monitor Code ==== sip.sh -- Place in ext directory, this is the main script hobbit calls. #!/bin/sh COLUMN=sip TIMEOUT=10 $BBHOME/bin/bbhostgrep --no-down ${COLUMN} | while read L do set $L IP="$1" HOSTNAME="$2" COLOR=green # linux use "/usr/bin/time -p" instead of ptime /bin/ptime $BBHOME/ext/sip_ping.pl $IP >$BBTMP/${COLUMN}.out 2>&1 SECONDS=`egrep "^real" $BBTMP/${COLUMN}.out | awk '{printf $2}'` OK=`/bin/egrep -c "alive" $BBTMP/${COLUMN}.out` BAD=`/bin/egrep -c "timeout" $BBTMP/${COLUMN}.out` if [ ${OK} -eq 0 ] ; then COLOR=red MSG="SIP query failed `cat $BBTMP/${COLUMN}.out | egrep -vi user` Seconds: ${SECONDS} " else COLOR=green MSG="SIP query succeeded `cat $BBTMP/${COLUMN}.out | egrep -vi user` Seconds: ${SECONDS} " fi $BB $BBDISP "status $HOSTNAME.$COLUMN $COLOR `date` $MSG" $RM $BBTMP/${COLUMN}.out done exit 0 \\ sip_ping.pl -- Place in ext folder #!/usr/bin/perl use IO::Socket; use POSIX 'strftime'; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Getopt::Long; use strict; my $USAGE = "Usage: sip_ping.pl [-v] [-t] [-s ] [-p "; my $RECV_TIMEOUT = 5; # how long in seconds to wait for a response my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => 'udp', LocalPort=>'6655', ReuseAddr=>1) or die "Could not make socket: $@"; # options my ($verbose, $host, $my_ip, $my_port, $time); GetOptions("verbose|v" => \$verbose, "source-ip|s=s" => \$my_ip, "source-port|p=n"=> \$my_port, "time|t" => \$time) or die "Invalid options:\n\n$USAGE\n"; # figure out who to ping my $host = shift(@ARGV) or die $USAGE; my $dst_addr = inet_aton($host) or die "Could not find host: $host"; my $dst_ip = inet_ntoa($dst_addr); my $portaddr = sockaddr_in(5060, $dst_addr); # figure out who we are $my_ip = "" unless defined($my_ip); $my_port = "6655" unless defined($my_port); # callid is just 32 randomn hex chars my $callid = ""; $callid .= ('0'..'9', "a".."f")[int(rand(16))] for 1 .. 32; # today's date my $date = strftime('%a, %e %B %Y %I:%M:%S %Z',localtime( )); # branch id via rfc3261 pour plus d?infos, avec # utilisation de time( ) pour l?unicité my $branch="z9hG4bK" . time( ); my $packet = qq(OPTIONS sip:$dst_ip SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/UDP $my_ip:$my_port;branch=$branch From: To: Contact: Call-ID: $callid\@$my_ip CSeq: 102 OPTIONS User-Agent: sip_ping.pl Date: $date Allow: ACK, CANCEL Content-Length: 0 ); # send the packet print "Sending: \n\n$packet\n" if $verbose; send($sock, $packet, 0, $portaddr) == length($packet) or die "cannot send to $host: $!"; my $send_time = [gettimeofday( )]; # start the stopwatch my $elapsed; # get the reponse eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Host timeout" }; alarm $RECV_TIMEOUT; $portaddr = recv($sock, $packet, 1500, 0) or die "couldn't receive : $!"; $elapsed = tv_interval($send_time); # stop the stopwatch alarm 0; 1; } or die($@); # affiche la sortie if ($verbose) { printf("After (\%0.2f ms), host said: \n\n\%s\n",$elapsed*1000, $packet); } elsif ($time) { printf("%0.2f\n", $elapsed*1000); } else { print("$host is alive "); printf("(%0.2fms)\n", $elapsed*1000); } ===== Known Bugs and Issues ===== ===== To Do ===== ===== Credits ===== ===== Changelog ===== * **2008-09-11** * Initial release