| [[https://github.com/bonomani/https://github.com/bonomani/xymonbody.css|Xymonbody.css]] | **Enhances the alignment of colored icons on Xymon** \\ A minimal CSS stylesheet | Bonomani | 2025-01-25 |
| [[https://github.com/bonomani/dns_fping|dns fping]] | **Ping with reverse dns resolution** \\ A Xymon "conn" test with reverse dns ptr info (usefull if you use cname)| Bonomani | 2023-09-20 |
| [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/xymon-new-design/|xymon redesigned]] | **Xymon redesigned** \\ Xymon 4.3.30 with new design!! | [[|Sabo86]] | 2020-07-20 |
| [[http://www.squidworks.net/MAGMA/|MAGMA]] | **XYmon Web GUI Admin** \\ Manages your hosts, page groups and alarms all from a easy to use and integrated web GUI admin. No more text files to edit!! | [[sanderson@squidworks.net|Shannon Anderson]] | 2012-10-31 |
| [[http://www.squidworks.net/MAGMA/|MAGMA]] | **XYmon Web GUI Admin** \\ Manages your hosts, page groups and alarms all from a easy to use and integrated web GUI admin. No more text files to edit!! | [[sanderson@squidworks.net|Shannon Anderson]] | 2012-10-31 |
| [[http://www.squidworks.net/247OnCall/|247OnCall]] | **Call Rotation Manager and Caller** \\ Manages your call rotation and intergrates with PBX to call the techs in the rotation during alarms | [[sanderson@squidworks.net|Shannon Anderson]] | 2012-09-15 |
| [[http://www.squidworks.net/247OnCall/|247OnCall]] | **Call Rotation Manager and Caller** \\ Manages your call rotation and intergrates with PBX to call the techs in the rotation during alarms | [[sanderson@squidworks.net|Shannon Anderson]] | 2012-09-15 |
| [[http://www.squidworks.net/2012/04/new-bbwin-gui-version-2-release-for-bbwin-xymon-client/|BBWin GUI]] | **BBWin GUI for Windows** \\ Configure BBWin on Windows without the need to edit the XML file | [[sanderson@squidworks.net|Shannon Anderson]] | 2012-04-03 |
| [[http://www.squidworks.net/2012/04/new-bbwin-gui-version-2-release-for-bbwin-xymon-client/|BBWin GUI]] | **BBWin GUI for Windows** \\ Configure BBWin on Windows without the need to edit the XML file | [[sanderson@squidworks.net|Shannon Anderson]] | 2012-04-03 |
| [[addons:hobbitnotes|Xymon Notes Editor]] | **Xymon Notes Editor** \\ Edit the notes for your servers | [[gjohnson@trantor.org|Galen Johnson]] | 2012-01-03 |
| [[https://github.com/solitaryr/xymon_notes|Xymon Notes Editor]] | **Xymon Notes Editor** \\ Edit the notes for your servers | [[solitaryr@gmail.com|Galen Johnson]] | 2012-01-03 |
| [[https://github.com/daduke/Xymondash|Xymondash]] | **Xymondash** \\ Modern javascript-based web dashboard for large Xymon installations | [[daduke@phys.ethz.ch|Christian Herzog]] | 2018-07-05 |
| [[addons:remrrds|remrrds.pl]] | **Remove spikes from an RRD** \\ Remove the spikes from an RRD, taking the various consolidation functions into account. | [[wim.nelis@ziggo.nl|Wim Nelis]] | 2020-01-28 |