#!/bin/bash # What: The Xymon ghost report is a list of systems that delivered reports # without being configured in the hosts.cfg file. This script reads # the ghost list and generates a hosts.cfg file to contain them, so # that the various reports are readable/actionable almost immediately. # Email is also sent to the Xymon admin so that the ghost list may # be dispersed among the other hosts.cfg files as appropriate. # # When: 2011-11-03 # # Blame: Ralph Mitchell # who do we call? GHOSTBUSTERS="someonewhocares@domain.com" # Somewhere to stash the list. # This file needs to be included by /home/xymon/server/etc/hosts.cfg GHOSTCFG=/home/xymon/server/etc/hosts.d/ghosts # set up initial page content if [ ! -f $GHOSTCFG ]; then echo "# hosts that just showed up one day" > $GHOSTCFG echo "#" >> $GHOSTCFG echo "page ghosts Unconfigured Clients" >> $GHOSTCFG echo "group-compress Ghost List" >> $GHOSTCFG fi # count the current ghost list ZOMBIES=`grep -c noconn $GHOSTCFG` # anything in the ghost list? GHOSTLIST=`/home/xymon/server/bin/xymon localhost ghostlist` if [ -n "$GHOSTLIST" ]; then # got something, make up a header for the new entries HEADER="# added: `date --rfc-3339=seconds`" # process the ghostlist echo "$GHOSTLIST" | while read LINE do # extract host name HOST=`echo $LINE | cut -f1 -d'|'` # is this host already in the ghost list? if [ `grep -c "$HOST" $GHOSTCFG` -eq 0 ]; then # not found, add it if [ -n "$HEADER" ]; then # for first new host in this run, add the header echo "$HEADER" >> $GHOSTCFG # only want the header once per block HEADER="" fi # if it's in the DNS, we might as well use its proper IP DNS=`nslookup $HOST | grep -A 1 'Name:'` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # found it, get the IP HOSTIP=`echo $DNS | cut -f4 -d' '` else # not in the DNS HOSTIP="" fi # the "noconn" option stops xymon from trying to ping the host echo "$HOSTIP $HOST # noconn" >> $GHOSTCFG fi done # did we add anything to the ghost file? COUNT=`grep -c noconn $GHOSTCFG` COUNT=`expr $COUNT - $ZOMBIES` if [ $COUNT -gt 0 ]; then # let someone know we need to re-process the ghost file grep noconn $GHOSTCFG | \ mailx -s "Xymon Ghost list: $COUNT new members" $GHOSTBUSTERS fi fi exit 0