Author | Galen Johnson |
Compatibility | Xymon 4.2, Xymon 4.3 |
Requirements | Perl, HTML::FromText, perl-CGI |
Download | None |
Last Update | 2017-12-05 |
A web-based editor for modifying your server notes files in Xymon. Xymon's built-in notes viewer will pick up any changes you make.
mkdir -m 775 /usr/local/hobbit/server/etc/notesdata chgrp apache /usr/local/hobbit/server/etc/notesdata
['Edit Notes', '/hobbit-seccgi/bbnote_editor.cgi'],
<a class=\"inner\" href=\"$BBSERVERSECURECGIURL/bbnote_editor.cgi\">Edit Notes</a><span class=\"invis\"> | </span> \
<a class="inner" href="$XYMONSERVERCGIURL/bbnote_editor.cgi">Edit Notes</a><span class="invis"> | </span>
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<BR><BR> <TABLE SUMMARY="Bottomline" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD> <HR WIDTH="100%"> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT FACE="Arial, Helvetica" SIZE="-2" COLOR="silver"><B><A HREF="" style="text-decoration: none">Xymon Monitor &HOBBITDREL</A></B></FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!-- menu script itself. you should not modify this file --> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="&BBMENUSKIN/menu.js"></script> <!-- items structure. menu hierarchy and links are stored there --> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="&BBMENUSKIN/menu_items.js"></script> <!-- files with geometry and styles structures --> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="&BBMENUSKIN/menu_tpl.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> new menu (MENU_ITEMS, MENU_POS); </script> </BODY> </HTML>
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#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################# # Name: bbnote_editor.cgi # Xymon update: Galen Johnson # Original Author: Chris Naude # Purpose: Manage HTML notes files # Version: 1.0 # The text2html module can be downloaded from CPAN ############################################# use strict; use CGI ":standard"; use HTML::FromText; # Your $BBHOME my $bb_home = "/usr/local/hobbit/server"; # hobbit config file my $hobbitcfg="/usr/local/hobbit/server/etc/hobbitserver.cfg"; # The web path to gifs. my $bb_gifs = "/hobbit/gifs"; # The main web path for bb display. my $bb_web = "/hobbit/"; # The actual www notes dir on the server my $bb_notes = "$bb_home/www/notes"; # This is where the data files are stored. # Not to be confused with the default notes dir. my $bb_notesdata = "$bb_home/etc/notesdata"; my $bb_header = "$bb_home/web/notes_header"; # Change this if needed. my $bb_footer = "$bb_home/web/notes_footer"; # Change this if needed. #Standard bb-hosts file my $bb_hosts = "$bb_home/etc/bb-hosts"; my $bb_showhosts = "$bb_home/bin/bbhostshow"; # No changes needed below. my $color = "blue"; my %hosts; my $cmd = param("cmd"); my $host = param("host"); $host =~ s/(.*?)\///g; $host =~ s/(\.html)$//g; my $note = param("note"); my @lines; # Set up the environment variables and dynamic variables from hobbitserver.cfg foreach (`. $hobbitcfg; set`) { chomp; my ($var,$val) = /^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)/; $ENV{$var} = $val; } sub print_notesdata { open (NOTESDATA, "<$bb_notesdata/${host}") or &print_error("I can't read from $bb_notesdata/$host!"); while (<NOTESDATA>) { print; } close NOTESDATA; } sub write_notesdata { open (NOTESDATA, ">$bb_notesdata/$host") or &print_error("I can't write to $bb_notesdata/$host!"); print NOTESDATA $note; close NOTESDATA; } sub make_note { my ($color) = @_; my $note = "$bb_notes/${host}.html"; open (NOTE, ">$note") or &print_error("I can't open $note for writing!"); select NOTE; &print_header($color); &print_notesdata; &print_footer($color); select STDOUT; close NOTE; } sub save_note { &write_notesdata; &make_note('blue'); &get_note; print '<center><b><font color="white">Note saved.</font></b></center><p>'; &print_note; } sub edit_note { if ($cmd =~ /add html/) { my $t2h = HTML::FromText->new({ blockcode => 1, lines => 1, tables => 1, bullets => 1, numbers => 1, urls => 1, email => 1, bold => 1, underline => 1, }); $note = $t2h->parse( $note ); #$note =~ s/\n/<br>/sgi; # } if ($cmd =~ /strip html/) { $note =~ s/<.*?>//sgi; } print <<HTML; <CENTER><TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3><CAPTION><H2><CENTER>$host [$hosts{$host}]</CENTER></H2></CAPTION> <TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER"><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> <TEXTAREA ROWS="35" COLS="80" NAME="note" STYLE="background-color:#000066;color:dddddd"> HTML if ($note) { print $note; } elsif ($lines[0]) { print @lines; } else { print '<!-- Remember to use proper HTML formatting here. -->'; } print <<HTML; </TEXTAREA><br> <input name="cmd" value="preview" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="add html tags" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="strip html tags" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="cancel" type="submit"></form></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER> HTML } sub print_note { print <<HTML; <CENTER><TABLE WIDTH="75%" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3"><CAPTION><CENTER><H2>$host [$hosts{$host}]</H2></CENTER></CAPTION><TR><TD> HTML if ($lines[0]) { print @lines; print <<HTML; </TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER"><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> HTML } elsif ($cmd =~ /preview/) { print <<HTML; $note</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER"><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> <input name="cmd" value="save" type="submit"> HTML } else { print <<HTML; The are no notes for $host [$hosts{$host}].</TD></TR> <TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER"><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> HTML } print <<HTML; <input type="hidden" name="note" value='$note'> <input name="cmd" value="edit" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="list" type="submit"></form></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER> HTML } sub print_error { my $error = shift; print "<center><b><font color=\"red\">$error</font></b></center><p>"; } sub get_note { if ( -s "$bb_notesdata/$host") { open (NOTE, "<$bb_notesdata/$host") or &print_error("I can't open $bb_notesdata/$host for reading!"); while (my $note = <NOTE>) { push @lines, $note; } close NOTE; } } sub print_menu{ print '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3"><CAPTION><H2><CENTER>Xymon Notes</CENTER></H2><b></b></CAPTION>'; for my $host(sort keys %hosts) { print <<HTML; <TR><TD>$host</TD><TD>$hosts{$host}</TD> <TD><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> <input name="cmd" value="view" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="edit" type="submit"></form></TD></TR> HTML } print '</TABLE></CENTER>'; } sub get_hosts{ open (HOSTS, "-|", $bb_showhosts, $bb_hosts) or &print_error("I can't open $bb_hosts!"); while (<HOSTS>) { if (/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(.*?)\s+/) { $hosts{$2} = $1; } } close HOSTS; } sub print_header { my $color = shift; print "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n"; open (HEAD, "<$bb_header") or &print_error("I can't open $bb_header for reading!"); while (<HEAD>) { # It's a bit hard to edit with a refresh ;) if (/META/i && /HTTP-EQUIV/i && /REFRESH/i && /CONTENT/i) { s/<(.*?)>/<!-- Refresh removed -->/g; } s/&HOBBITLOGO/$ENV{'HOBBITLOGO'}/g; s/&BBBACKGROUND/$color/g; s/&BBMENUSKIN/$ENV{'BBMENUSKIN'}/g; s/&BBPAGEPATH/$ENV{'BBPAGEPATH'}/g; s/&BBSKIN/$ENV{'BBSKIN'}/g; s/&BBDATE/$ENV{'BBDATE'}/g; print; } close HEAD; } sub print_footer{ open (FOOT, "<$bb_footer") or &print_error("I can't open $bb_footer for reading!"); while (<FOOT>) { s/&BBMENUSKIN/$ENV{'BBMENUSKIN'}/g; s/&HOBBITDREL/$ENV{'HOBBITDREL'}/g; print; } close FOOT; } # Main my ($oldbar) = $|; my $cfh = select (STDOUT); $| = 1; &get_hosts; &print_header($color); # I like blue ;) if ($cmd =~ /edit|html/) { &get_note; &edit_note; } elsif ($cmd eq 'view') { &get_note; &print_note; } elsif ($cmd eq 'preview') { &print_note; } elsif ($cmd eq 'preview as html') { &print_note; } elsif ($cmd eq 'save') { &save_note; } else { &print_menu; } &print_footer; $| = $oldbar; select ($cfh);
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#!/usr/bin/perl # ############################################# # Name: bbnote_editor.cgi # Xymon update: Galen Johnson # Original Author: Chris Naude # Purpose: Manage HTML notes files # Version: 1.0 # The text2html module can be downloaded from CPAN ############################################# use strict; use CGI ":standard"; use HTML::FromText; # Your $XYMONHOME my $xymon_home = "/usr/share/xymon"; my $xymon_cmd = "$xymon_home/bin/xymon"; # xymon config file my $xymoncfg = "$xymon_home/etc/xymonserver.cfg"; # The actual www notes dir on the server my $xymon_notes = "/var/www/xymon/notes"; # This is where the data files are stored. # Not to be confused with the default notes dir. my $xymon_notesdata = "$xymon_home/etc/notesdata"; my $xymon_header = "$xymon_home/web/notes_header"; # Change this if needed. my $xymon_footer = "$xymon_home/web/notes_footer"; # Change this if needed. #Standard hosts.cfg file my $xymon_hosts = "$xymon_home/hosts.cfg"; my $xymon_menu = "$xymon_home/etc/xymonmenu.cfg"; # No changes needed below. my $version = "4.3.28"; my $color = "blue"; my %hosts; my $cmd = param("cmd"); my $host = param("host"); $host =~ s/(.*?)\///g; $host =~ s/(\.html)$//g; my $note = param("note"); my @lines; # Set up the environment variables and dynamic variables from xymonserver.cfg foreach (`$xymon_home/bin/xymoncmd env | /usr/bin/grep XYMON`) { chomp; next if $_ =~ /^directory/; my ($var,$val) = /^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)/; $ENV{$var} = $val; } sub print_notesdata { open (NOTESDATA, "<$xymon_notesdata/${host}") or &print_error("I can't read from $xymon_notesdata/$host!"); while (<NOTESDATA>) { print; } close NOTESDATA; } sub write_notesdata { open (NOTESDATA, ">$xymon_notesdata/$host") or &print_error("I can't write to $xymon_notesdata/$host!"); print NOTESDATA $note; close NOTESDATA; } sub make_note { my ($color) = @_; my $note = "$xymon_notes/${host}.html"; open (NOTE, ">$note") or &print_error("I can't open $note for writing!"); select NOTE; &print_header($color); &print_notesdata; &print_footer($color); select STDOUT; close NOTE; } sub save_note { &write_notesdata; &make_note('blue'); &get_note; print '<center><b><font color="white">Note saved.</font></b></center><p>'; &print_note; } sub edit_note { if ($cmd =~ /add html/) { my $t2h = HTML::FromText->new({ blockcode => 1, lines => 1, tables => 1, bullets => 1, numbers => 1, urls => 1, email => 1, bold => 1, underline => 1, }); $note = $t2h->parse( $note ); #$note =~ s/\n/<br>/sgi; # } if ($cmd =~ /strip html/) { $note =~ s/<.*?>//sgi; } print <<HTML; <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3"> <CAPTION> <H2><CENTER>$host [$hosts{$host}]</CENTER></H2> </CAPTION> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"> <form method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> <TEXTAREA ROWS="35" COLS="80" NAME="note" STYLE="background-color:#000033;color:dddddd"> HTML if ($note) { print $note; } elsif ($lines[0]) { print @lines; } else { print '<!-- Remember to use proper HTML formatting here. -->'; } print <<HTML; </TEXTAREA><br> <input name="cmd" value="preview" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="add html tags" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="strip html tags" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="cancel" type="submit"> </form> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> HTML } sub print_note { print <<HTML; <CENTER> <TABLE WIDTH="75%" BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3"> <CAPTION> <CENTER><H2>$host [$hosts{$host}]</H2></CENTER> </CAPTION> <TR> <TD> HTML if ($lines[0]) { print @lines; print <<HTML; </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"> <form method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> HTML } elsif ($cmd =~ /preview/) { print <<HTML; $note </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"> <form method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> <input name="cmd" value="save" type="submit"> HTML } else { print <<HTML; The are no notes for $host [$hosts{$host}]. </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"> <form method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> HTML } print <<HTML; <input type="hidden" name="note" value='$note'> <input name="cmd" value="edit" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="list" type="submit"> </form> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> HTML } # sub print_error { my $error = shift; print "<center><b><font color=\"red\">$error</font></b></center><p>"; } sub get_note { if ( -s "$xymon_notesdata/$host") { open (NOTE, "<$xymon_notesdata/$host") or &print_error("I can't open $xymon_notesdata/$host for reading!"); while (my $note = <NOTE>) { push @lines, $note; } close NOTE; } } sub print_menu { print '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="3"><CAPTION><H2><CENTER>Xymon Notes</CENTER></H2><b></b></CAPTION>'; for my $host(sort keys %hosts) { print <<HTML; <TR><TD>$host</TD><TD>$hosts{$host}</TD> <TD><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="host" value="$host"> <input name="cmd" value="view" type="submit"> <input name="cmd" value="edit" type="submit"></form></TD></TR> HTML } print '</TABLE></CENTER>'; } sub get_hosts { open (HOSTS, "-|", $xymon_cmd, '', 'hostinfo') or &print_error("I can't open $xymon_hosts!"); while (<HOSTS>) { my ($hostname, $hostip, @dummy) = split('\|'); $hosts{$hostname} = $hostip; } close HOSTS; } sub print_header { my $color = shift; print "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n"; open (HEAD, "<$xymon_header") or &print_error("I can't open $xymon_header for reading!"); while (<HEAD>) { # It's a bit hard to edit with a refresh ;) if (/META/i && /HTTP-EQUIV/i && /REFRESH/i && /CONTENT/i) { s/<(.*?)>/<!-- Refresh removed -->/g; } s/&XYMONLOGO/$ENV{'XYMONLOGO'}/g; s/&XYMONBACKGROUND/$color/g; s/&XYMONBODYCSS/$ENV{'XYMONBODYCSS'}/g; s/&XYMONBODYMENUCSS/$ENV{'XYMONBODYMENUCSS'}/g; s/&XYMONMENUSKIN/$ENV{'XYMONMENUSKIN'}/g; s/&XYMONPAGEPATH/$ENV{'XYMONPAGEPATH'}/g; s/&XYMONSKIN/$ENV{'XYMONSKIN'}/g; s/&XYMONDATE/$ENV{'XYMONDATE'}/g; if (/&XYMONBODYHEADER/) { s/&XYMONBODYHEADER//g; open (MENU, "<$xymon_menu") or &print_error("I can't open $xymon_menu for reading!"); while (<MENU>) { s/\$XYMONSERVERWWWURL/$ENV{'XYMONSERVERWWWURL'}/g; s/\$XYMONSERVERCGIURL/$ENV{'XYMONSERVERCGIURL'}/g; s/\$XYMONSERVERSECURECGIURL/$ENV{'XYMONSERVERSECURECGIURL'}/g; print; } close MENU; } print; } close HEAD; } sub print_footer { open (FOOT, "<$xymon_footer") or &print_error("I can't open $xymon_footer for reading!"); while (<FOOT>) { s/&XYMONMENUSKIN/$ENV{'XYMONMENUSKIN'}/g; s/&XYMONDREL/$version/g; print; } close FOOT; } # Main my ($oldbar) = $|; my $cfh = select (STDOUT); $| = 1; &get_hosts; &print_header($color); # I like blue ;) if ($cmd =~ /edit|html/) { &get_note; &edit_note; } elsif ($cmd eq 'view') { &get_note; &print_note; } elsif ($cmd eq 'preview') { &print_note; } elsif ($cmd eq 'preview as html') { &print_note; } elsif ($cmd eq 'save') { &save_note; } else { &print_menu; } &print_footer; $| = $oldbar; select ($cfh);